bedein unrwa - search results

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Open letter to Mr. Jason Greenblatt

June 26, 2020 Dear Mr. Jason Greenblatt, This is in response to your statement today "Jason Greenblatt: I Think We Could Put Forth a Palestinian State that Does Not Endanger Israel's Security" - Jerusalem Post, June 26,...

Has the Trump Plan been hijacked?

The “Trump Plan”, launched last January, imposed unprecedented requirements upon the Palestine Liberation Organization, as a “predicate” for the PLO - aka Palestinian Authority - to gain state recognition. Such requirements distinguish this US administration...

Comprehensive report reveals endemic hate education in Palestinian schools

Palestinian children are being systematically taught to hate Jewish Israelis and violently resist a Jewish presence in Israel, a comprehensive review of Palestinian school textbooks has found. The study, by Dr. Arnon Gross of the...

Background briefing papers on the proposed Palestine Liberation Organization State idea

Background briefing papers on the proposed Palestine Liberation Organization State idea Examining Text Books Handed to UNRWA by the Palestine liberation Organization | Israel Behind the News The Palestinian State Constitution | Israel Behind the News Book,...

Nie wieder! Deutschland zur Verantwortung ziehen!

Deutschland präsentiert sich als demokratische Macht und ist aktuell der führende Spenderstaat des Hilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen UNRWA, das die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge von 1948 und ihre Nachkommen betreut. Dennoch werden 54% des derzeitigen UNRWA-Budgets für...

Response to Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz article in the Spectator

Response to Einat Wilf and Adi Schwartz article in the Spectator. Kol HaKavod that you continue to publicize "right of return" as the driving issue of UNRWA to wide coverage in the public domain. I...

Never Again? hold Germany accountable

Germany, which presents itself as a democratic power, is now the leading donor state of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which services the  Palestinian refugees of 1948 was… and their descendants. Yet...

Remind POTUS: his plan vetoes a PLO state that supports terror

This is what the the Trump Plan proclaims. On page 8: "Palestinian leaders must embrace peace by recognizing Israel as the Jewish state, rejecting terrorism in all its forms, allowing for special arrangements that address Israel’s and...

Stop Petitions for Israel. Recruit letter writers for israel

This letter is written from the perspective of an  MSW community organizer and investigative journalist, running a think tank and international news agency in Jerusalem for the past thirty three years. Our focus: Reform of UNRWA, which advocates...

Sieben Bedrohungen für Israel und wie man sich wehrt

Eine Perspektive des Unabhängigkeitstags Israels: von David Bedein, der diesen Sommer „50 Jahre in Israel“ feiert. Mit sieben Bedrohungen ist Israel konfrontiert & Wie Israel sich zur Wehr setzen kann Mordanwaltschaft. Mahmoud Abbas, Leiter der...