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WATCH: UNRWA documentary exposes how UN agency contributes to cycle of violence

This week, the Center for Near East Policy Research presented its latest UNRWA documentary short film to members of the U.S. Congress. It exposed how UNRWA teaches Palestinian children that they will one day...

Witness to UNRWA mandate renewal

While most people critical of UNRWA policies devoted time and energy to oppose the renewal of the UNRWA mandate this past week, the Center for Near East Policy Research worked on the assumption that...

The US Takes a Stand Against UNRWA

Cherith Norman Chalet Acting U.S. Deputy Rtiepresentative to the United Nations U.S. Mission to the United Nations New York, New York November 15, 2019 AS DELIVERED The United States continues to oppose the annual submission of more than a dozen...

L’UNRWA en grande difficulté

Le mandat de l'UNRWA, l'agence des Nations Unies opérant dans 59 camps de réfugiés en Jordanie, en Syrie, au Liban, en Cisjordanie, à Jérusalem et à Gaza, devrait être renouvelé la semaine prochaine à...

Youtube censure la chaîne qui dénonce les méfaits de l’UNRWA

Note: les liens renvoient à des pages en anglais Début octobre, le géant des médias sociaux YouTube a fermé la chaîne liée au Center for Near East Policy Research, une organisation non gouvernementale fondée par...

UNRWA is in trouble

The mandate of UNRWA, the UN agency operating in 59 refugee camps in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza, is set to have its mandate renewed next week at the UN...

With Renewal of UNRWA mandate: How to truly help 5 million Arab refugees?

The Center for Near East Policy Research invites you to a public presentation: With Renewal of UNRWA mandate: How to truly help 5 million Arab refugees? Wednesday November 13, 2019 2:30pm to 4:00pm Rayburn House Office Building, The...

Obligatoriska ändringar som behövs i skolböcker från den palestinska myndigheten använda av UNRWA

Avlägsna all icke- berättigande av staten Israel och den judiska närvaron i landet. Varje karta som visar dagens politiska gränser i regionen bör markera Israels territorium före 1967 med namnet "Israel". Ett sådant territorium...

UNRWA granskning ger sensationella nyheter

Revisionsstyrelsens rapport till presidenten för FN: s generalförsamling den 24 juli 2019 avslöjade att UNRWA (FN: s hjälp- och arbetsbyrå för palestinska flyktingar) har ett budgetöverskott på totalt 105,01 miljoner dollar, som finansierar byråns...

UNRWA Audit Shocker: $105 Million SURPLUS!

The Report of the Board of Auditors to the President of the UN General Assembly dated July 24, 2019 disclosed an UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...