unrwa hamas - search results

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Chairman of US House Task Force on Terrorism Calls for Inquiry of UNRWA

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Eric Cantor, Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, today released a policy paper on the recent controversy surrounding the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA)....

UNRWA attacks Weeky Standard reporter David Tell… and David Tell responds

In recent weeks the Weekly Standard has published a number of articles concerning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). These have contained a large number of serious inaccuracies and...

Has UNRWA allowed their Refugee Camps to Become the Host of Terror Activity?

Israel Minister of Defence and newly-elected Labor Party leader Binyamin Ben Eliezer has been declaring that the Arab refugee camps represent a haven for killers, and a threat to the security of all Israeli...

Hamas Chief Rantisi

Suicide attacks prevent massacres of Arabs. Israel's occupation of Palestine will end when the Arabs and Muslim world are strong. Excerpts from interview: "When Mr. Arafat kissed me, it was a routine kiss, not a political kiss",...

Netanyahu: Apologize if You Want Canada to Understand New Hamas Threat

On October 1, 1997, a few hours before the New Jewish Year began this year, Gazan Hamas leader Abdul Aziz Rantissi declared that he would dispatch more suicide bombers into Israel, to kill Israelis...

The Refugee Dilemma: A Day in the UNRWA Arab Refugee Camps

Iyad Qadi, a Ramallah resident who fought against Israel during the intifada riots of the late '80s through early 90s, returned to the Palestinian refugee camps that raged so violently in those years -...

Sieben Bedrohungen für Israel und wie man sich wehrt

Eine Perspektive des Unabhängigkeitstags Israels: von David Bedein, der diesen Sommer „50 Jahre in Israel“ feiert. Mit sieben Bedrohungen ist Israel konfrontiert & Wie Israel sich zur Wehr setzen kann Mordanwaltschaft. Mahmoud Abbas, Leiter der...


This week, Canadian Foreign Minister has announced that he will visit areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority to inquire as to how foreign aid funds are being spent. While it would seem natural...

Senseless Silence

There comes a time when in the face of unremitting enmity, silence is no longer a viable option. As we face a tsunami of hate and delegitimisation not seen since pre-World WarII times, the necessity...

Knee-jerk script

Whenever Israel acts to counter terror, you can confidently predict the pre-ordained reactions. It follows an ancient and well-worn agenda refined over millennia, especially when Jews decide to fight back against their oppressors. A common denominator...