hamas unrwa - search results

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Facing Another Inconvenient Truth: The Misuse of Foreign Aid

A little review of history sheds some light on the predicament that Israel now finds itself facing. In the beginning comments of Chapter 9 of Nathan C. Belth’s book A Promise to Keep (Times Books, 1979), an apparent devastating conclusion of a 1968 UNESCO study of the textbooks used in the United...

Unfinished tasks

As the world switches over to the year 2024 in the civil calendar, those who are still sober will be aware that major pitfalls lie ahead. Instead of old problems having been solved and dealt...

A guide to NGO’S at the UN at war with Israel

A GUIDE TO NGO'S AT THE UN  AT WAR WITH ISRAEL- -  TWO ORGANIZATIONS FROM ISRAEL INCLUDED; BITSELEM AND PEACE NOW On 29 November, B’Tselem published an article calling on the international community to clarify red lines that Israel must not cross again,...

A UN refugee agency has been perpetuating the problem of Palestinian refugees | Opinion

The current crisis opens a golden opportunity to fix that aberration, at least in Gaza. Originally published on The Boston Globe While the war in Gaza, prompted by Hamas’s heinous attack on Israel on Oct. 7,...

Never Again was the reaction to the Shoah; now it helps us understand why...

Dear Friends, I was walking home today in midtown Manhattan and, to my horror, there was a brightly lit up truck declaring “NYC for the Palestinians, Israel must be stopped”.  This started me thinking –...

Why the Gaza war is the deadliest Arab-Israel conflict in last 4 decades

October 7 seemed just like any other day for Elchanan Bedein and members of his kibbutz, a small farming commune near the Gaza border in West Bank. Little did they know that the day would...

Total War

Letter to my son Noam, en route to the US CONGRESS, accompanying a family whose loved ones are held hostage, if they are still alive. People of Israel are united as they have never been...

The Day After Tomorrow

I teach film, among other things, and there is a film that comes to mind while assessing the current situation in Israel. It is the 1996 American science fiction action film Independence Day. In the aftermath of a...

Phony, Fickle And Fleeting

As the initial shock over the Hamas massacre of Israelis wears off, the predictable reactions start to roll in. One didn’t need to be a genius in order to anticipate this. The whole gamut of hypocrisy...


October 2023 506 words David Bedein, Director The events of the past two weeks have vindicated my conclusion, after thirty-six years of scrutinizing PLO and UNRWA policies, that the PLO has fostered an ideology based on justifying...