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Debate on UNRWA that took place in the Swedish parliament earlier this week

Debate on UNRWA that took place in the Swedish parliament earlier this week. It has been translated to English in the following video clip.

UNRWA Uprising – with Swedish Subtitles

Om terroruppvigling bland barn i UNRWA, med svensk undertext

Documenting BBC amplification of an UNRWA campaign

Among the topics (see ‘related articles’ below) that the BBC chose to promote during 2018 in a manner that went beyond ordinary reporting both in terms of the amount of content produced and adherence...

Germany Empowers Iran and Redoubles Support for Hamas-Enabler UNRWA

French President Macron and German Chancellor Merkel have won accolades for pushing EU members to fight anti-Semitism. That of course could be a good thing. But such high-minded pronouncements are never matched when it...

.@UNRWA loans money to Syrian regime thugs, Hamas and Islamic Jihad

UNRWA is very proud of their microfinance program, giving small loans to people who need them: The UNRWA microfinance department provides sustainable income-generation opportunities for Palestine refugees, as well as other poor or marginalised groups...

UNRWA Maintains the Palestinian Refugee Problem

UNRWA (a UN-controlled organization) has kept Palestinians in refugee camps for almost 70 years. 99 percent of UNRWA employees are, themselves, Palestinian refugees, holding on to the hope that the current situation will not...

Germany Empowers Iran and Redoubles Support for Hamas-Enabler UNRWA

French President Macron and German Chancellor Merkel have won accolades for pushing EU members to fight anti-Semitism. That of course could be a good thing. But such high-minded pronouncements are never matched when it...

Unprecedented Official Call to close UNRWA – Now for Follow Up

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told foreign ambassadors and diplomats on Tuesday that UNRWAshould be shut down. "Israel's policy is to close UNRWA. They are the problem, not the solution. Over the years,...

Leyonhjelm and Abetz challenge UNRWA funding

Australian foreign aid is being used to fund terrorism in the Middle East.