palestinian education - search results

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Inaccurate report : “PA announced it would amend curriculum”

An inaccurate report appeared in the Jerusalem Post, entitled: "In the face of European pressure against incitement in Palestinian school books, the PA announced it would amend curriculum" JPOST ran this piece without checking with the...

The European Union Plays the Times of Israel for fools

“The EU does not fund PA textbooks and does not intend to do so,” a spokesperson for the EU delegation in Ramat Gan told the Times of Israel on Thursday. The EU delegation in Ramat...

Will Australia, 16th largest UNRWA donor, ask new UNRWA commissioner to address 15 Policy...

The appearance of  Swiss diplomat  Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA provides a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy  to demand a reform of UNRWA , especially...

Will Great Britain, 3rd largest UNRWA donor, ask the UNRWA commissioner to address 15...

The appearance of  Swiss diplomat  Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA provides a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy  to demand a reform of UNRWA , especially...

Will Canada, 14th largest UNRWA donor, ask UNRWA commissioner to address 15 Indiscretions?

The appearance of  Swiss diplomat  Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA provides a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy  to demand a reform of UNRWA , especially in the UNRWA...

Will Sweden, 4th largest UNRWA donor, ask UNRWA commissioner to address 15 Indiscretions?

The appearance of  Swiss diplomat  Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA provides a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy  to demand a reform of UNRWA , especially...

15 policy challenges for the new head of UNRWA

The appointment of Swiss diplomat Phillipe Lazzarini as the new head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency is a window of opportunity for donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy, to demand a reform of...

15 Policy Challenges for the New Head of UNRWA

The appointment of Swiss diplomat Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA is a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy, to demand a reform of UNRWA. This is...

Why is it Important that PA Textbooks Used in UNRWA Schools be Translated into...

Germany, which presents itself as a democratic power, is now the leading  donor state of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which services the  Palestinian refugees of the 1948 was… and their descendants.   Yet 54% of the current UNRWA budget is allocated to an education system which indoctrinates Arab children to make war...

A Pandemic of Anti-Zionist Signification: Exploiting Gaza for Ideological Gain

‘Close and unprecedented’ was how the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OCHA) described Israeli-Palestinian cooperation in its first ‘COVID-19 Emergency Situation Report’ on 24 March....