palestinian education - search results

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Doubters, Deniers and Detractors

The nine days between Rosh Chodesh Av and Tisha B’Av of the Jewish calendar give us an ideal opportunity for introspection and a reality check on the state of our own lives as well...

What did you learn in school today, dear little UNRWA child?

Research:: Dr. Arnon Groiss "Demystifying the UNRWA approach to curriculum" is the title given by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) created for the "refugees" of the 1948 war in the Middle East...

What was happening with UNRWA in June 2020?

The Norwegian Diplomat Leni Stenseth was appointed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to serve as Deputy Commissioner-General of UNRWA. Moroccan Najat Rochdi  was appointed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres as UN Deputy Special Coordinator for...

Traces of Global Academic BDS Expand to Support “Black Intifada”

IAM has often reported that the Palestinian global BDS movement has successfully dominated the anti-Israeli academic discourse. Recently, pro-Palestinian activists have embraced "intersectionality," a reference to the concept that all "minority and oppressed groups" should...

Open letter to Mr. Jason Greenblatt

June 26, 2020 Dear Mr. Jason Greenblatt, This is in response to your statement today "Jason Greenblatt: I Think We Could Put Forth a Palestinian State that Does Not Endanger Israel's Security" - Jerusalem Post, June 26,...

Back to our ABCs

Regarding “Endemic hate education in PA schools” (June 21), kudos to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center and David Bedein for researching and exposing the degree to which the PA educates their...

14 Policy Challenges for the New Head of UNRWA

The appointment of Swiss diplomat Phillipe Lazzarini as the new head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides a window of opportunity for UNRWA...

New UNRWA Commissioner Lazzarini repeats myth that UNRWA has no funds due to...

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Gargash held a phone call with Philippe Lazzarini, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees' new chief, on Monday. He said they spoke ahead of the UAE taking...

Never Again? hold Germany accountable

Germany, which presents itself as a democratic power, is now the leading donor state of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which services the  Palestinian refugees of 1948 was… and their descendants. Yet...

¿Por qué es importante traducir al alemán el contenido de los libros de texto...

La instigación alemana del asesinato en masa de judíos comenzó en el aula. Alemania, ahora un poder democrático en Europa con una política orientada a la paz en todo el mundo, es ahora el principal...