unrwa hamas - search results

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UNRWA and HaAretz condemn “Children’s Army of Hamas”: Did they see even see...

On Saturday night, April 18, 2015, news anchor Yaakov Ahimeir, senior journalist with Israel Broadcasting Authority TV and host of the IBA weekend news program known as "Roiem Olam",  http://www.iba.org.il/olam/ screened   the clip, "Children's...

Hamas official: “Hamas and UNRWA are directly connected”

Hamas Minister of Religion speaks about the direct connection between Hamas and UNRWA in Gaza. Your US tax dollars at work. https://youtu.be/V3OqKGSNcJk Now that we have it from the horses mouth, let’s take a look at this...

Palestinian human rights activist implores Malala: No money to Hamas, UNRWA

Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid is asking Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai to keep her promise to share her award money with the children of the Gaza Strip but to prevent the...

Lack of response of US AID and US embassy ​to HAMAS collusion with UNRWA

​Two US government entities in Tel Aviv will not respond to continued Hamas involvement with UNRWA, which would raise questions about the legality of continued US assistance to UNRWA, since it is illegal for...

[The question remains: Will UNRWA evaluate the effects of an educational curriculum based on...

Islamist Watch Launches 'Islamist Money in Politics' http://www.meforum.org/4835/islamist-money-politics Philadelphia – October 1, 2014 – Prominent Islamists in the United States have donated almost $700,000 to federal candidates over the past 15 years, according to a...

UNRWA at WAR: An examination of UNRWA statements and actions during the Israeli-Hamas conflict...

June 27 through August 23 ________________________ As UNRWA statements and actions are reviewed, certain factors become readily evident: UNRWA, which has a mandate to function as a humanitarian relief organization, consistently and inappropriately politicizes its positions. That politicization...

“Fabrication” to Validation:UNRWA responds to evidence that Hamas embedded itself in UNRWA

To grasp the complexities of the Israel- Gaza war, you must take into account that UNRWA the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, remains responsible for the well being of 75% of Gaza's population,...

UNRWA schools in Gaza: A Greenhouse for Hamas

An Israeli incursion into Gaza will have to cope with the fact that 70% of the Gaza population dwells in UNRWA refugee facilities. As documented below, Hamas has embedded itself in the UNRWA schools...

Hamas Refusing to Buy Polio, Other Vaccines – and UNRWA Doesn’t Care

http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/05/15/hamas-refusing-to-buy-polio-other-vaccines-and-unrwa-doesnt-care/ UNRWA released a statement to several Arabic newspapers warning of a serious health crisis on the horizon in Gaza. There is a severe shortage of vaccines in Gaza, and those for polio, the mumps, rubella,...