UNRWA SCHOOLS - search results

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No change in Norwegian allocations to the PLO/PA education

The widespread news report this week that the Norwegian Parliament took action against PA education did not report the full context in its release to the media The Norwegian annual budget...

Biden gesture to his Jewish voters : Deny assistance to anyone who honors those...

Indications are that a majority of Jewish Americans voted for Joe Biden in the recent US presidential election. It is entirely plausible that the Jewish enthusiasm in this tight race served to turn the tide...

A modest request of the UAE

https://israelbehindthenews.com/2020/09/09/the-united-arab-emirates-cannot-have-it-both-ways-opinion/ https://israelbehindthenews.com/2020/09/05/a-totally-different-perspective-on-the-uae-deal-with-israel-not-seen-or-heard-anywhere/ https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/israel/2020/september/experts-urge-uae-to-stop-funding-terror-incitement-in-palestinian-schools-following-peace-deal The above segments provide the backdrop for the following request In the spirit of the forthcoming peace ceremony on the White House lawn: At a time when the UAE has quadrupled its donation...

Teaching hate

You can’t expect peace if you teach hate. Common sense, right? A lesson the world has taught over and over again, no? An apolitical lesson, moreover, in that it doesn’t matter who is doing the...

Back to rewarding terrorism?

Two years ago, Congress cut off funds to the Palestinian Authority because it pays salaries to terrorists. Now a group of Democratic members of Congress are trying to restore that funding, even though the PA...

Open letter to Mr. Jason Greenblatt

June 26, 2020 Dear Mr. Jason Greenblatt, This is in response to your statement today "Jason Greenblatt: I Think We Could Put Forth a Palestinian State that Does Not Endanger Israel's Security" - Jerusalem Post, June 26,...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks and Teachers’ Guides

Schoolbooks indicate the values a society would wish to instill in the minds of its younger generation. When published by the government – as the case is with the Palestinian Authority (PA), they indicate...

The European Union Plays the Times of Israel for fools

“The EU does not fund PA textbooks and does not intend to do so,” a spokesperson for the EU delegation in Ramat Gan told the Times of Israel on Thursday. https://www.timesofisrael.com/eu-parliament-passes-resolution-condemning-hate-speech-in-palestinian-textbooks/ The EU delegation in Ramat...

Points for Presentation: Israel, Jews and Peace In the Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks and Teachers’...

February 2020 Introduction Schoolbooks indicate the values which a society wishes to inculcate in the minds of its younger generation. When they are published by the government, they indicate its long-run intentions. Hence the importance...

Kuhs: Berlin und Brüssel sind das größte Friedenshindernis im Nahen Osten

Das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNRWA hat einen dringenden Appell gestartet, um nach dem Ausstieg der USA 1,4 Milliarden Dollar für 2020 einzutreiben. Die wichtigsten Geldgeber sind die EU und Deutschland. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Geldes fließt...