UNRWA SCHOOLS - search results

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Judeus, Israel e a paz nos materiais usados nas escolas da UNRWA na Cisjordânia...

A Autoridade Palestina descreve-se como "o Estado da Palestina" e considera-se um Estado pleno sob ocupação estrangeira, dos quais as fronteiras não se restringem às linhas de 1967. O nome "O Estado da Palestina",...

Beyond Brussels Helping UNRWA to create a better life for refugees

From the perspective of an MSW community organization social work professional, suffice it to say that the function of any social work refugee agency is to help people to get on with their lives. The exception...

Confrontando a Alemanha com as indiscrições da UNRWA

Em relação às próximas eleições federais na Alemanha, o UNRWA Monitor, afiliado do Centro Bedein para Pesquisas Políticas do Próximo Oriente e da Agência de Recursos e Notícias de Israel, fez uma apresentação sem...

Dalal al-Mughrabi – A Murderous Terrorist as a Role Model In Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks...

Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss (December 2019) Dalal al-Mughrabi was the commander of an 11-person group of Palestinian terrorists who landed in a boat on the beach of Maagan Michael natural reserve on Saturday afternoon, March...

Beyond Brussels: Help UNRWA Create a Better Life for Refugees Whom They Serve.

Writing about UNRWA from the perspective of an MSW community organization social work professional, suffice it to say that the function of a social work refugee agency is to help people get on with...

Researcher: UNRWA is run by terrorists

In Brussels, a conference of countries contributing to UNRWA, the special refugee organization set up by the UN for Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendants, is being held today. The conference is being held...

Watchdog at Donor Conference Appeals to Hold UNRWA Accountable for Antisemitic Teachers

A watchdog group delivered an appeal today at an international donor conference for UNRWA, which runs schools for Palestinians, urging governments at the Brussels gathering to demand accountability from the agency about allegations of antisemitism and incitement to terrorism by more than 100 teachers...

UNRWA donors conference: opportunity for donor nations to change UNRWA policies

The news and research office that I have been running since 1987 focuses on UNRWA, with the hope that the 5.3 million descendants of Arab refugees from 1948 who benefit from UNRWA services in...

Ahead of Donor Conference, UNRWA Should Identify Teachers Suspended for Antisemitism

Ahead of a major international UNRWA donors conference in November that will seek $800 million from mostly Western states, a watchdog group is calling on the UN agency that runs schools for Palestinians to identify which teachers and...

UN Human Rights Council head shuts down testimony on anti-Semitic UNRWA teachers

The president of the UN Human Rights Council shut down Saturday the Zoom testimony of an expert group on UNRWA teachers’ anti-Semitism because she considered it an unacceptable personal attack on the educators. Hillel Neuer,...