UNRWA SCHOOLS - search results

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Israel and the US face elections on November 1 and November 8 respectively. Both...

1.The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by  IDF under the direction of the US to fight Arab terrorists, now carry out daily attacks by PSF elite unit known as Al Aqsa Brigades. Yet US...

What the public at large has a right to know before the Nov. 1...

What is Not Generally Known to the Public in IsraeL, one month before elections: The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by the IDF, now carry out daily attacks against Jews through its PSF elite unit...

Abbas in Deutschland: Wen wundert, wenn ein Antisemit Antisemitisches von sich gibt?

Schon seine Doktorarbeit, die Mahmud Abbas 1982 an einer Moskauer Universität verfasst hat, strotzt vor antisemitischen Verleumdungen und macht die zionistische Bewegung für den Holocaust verantwortlich. In unserem Wohnhochhaus ist 2005 Herr A. eingezogen. Herr...

Pikuach Nefesh Alert: A strategic approach

The Lubavitche Rebbe once commented that concessions to the Palestinian Authority, which works under the aegis of the Palestine Liberation Organization, represent a matter of Pikuach Nefesh- a threat to human life. The time has...

Exposed: UN Teachers Call to Murder Jews

 As the U.S. and other Western states gather today at the United Nations in the presence of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to pledge funding for the UN agency that runs schools and social services for Palestinians, a...

UN agency teachers urge terrorism and murder of Jews, report claims

 A shocking report by a watchdog organization on Thursday revealed that a UN agency tasked with, among other things, educating Palestinian students in places such as Lebanon, the West Bank and Jordan, employs teachers...

We must stop the powerful use of words as inciteful education – opinion

Three weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau for the first time with March of the Living on Holocaust Remembrance Day. As I walked with Jews from the Diaspora and Israel,...

“Pikuach Nefesh Alert”: A Strategic Approach

The Lubavitche Rebbe once commented that concessions to the Palestinian Authority, which works under the aegis of the Palestine Liberation Organization, represent a matter of Pikuach Nefesh- a threat to human life. https://jewishfamilysite.com/security-land-israel/ The time has...

Follow up questions to : TAU spokesperson ​​Noga Shahar

On April 27, 2022, Tel Aviv University issued its annual world wide report on anti-semitism: The report surveyed the anti-semitism in every place in the world, except for the Palestinian Authority. https://english.tau.ac.il/sites/default/files/media_server/English/Antisemitism-Worldwide-2021.pdf I asked TAU spokesperson...

European parliament members condemn Palestinian Authority for anti-Semitic curriculum

Despite Western calls for reform, the Palestinian Authority curriculum has ramped up its incitement in recent years, with school textbooks and other learning materials filled with anti-Semitism, calls for jihad, rejection of reconciliation and...