UNRWA US july - search results

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Will UN values be incorporated into UNRWA?

As the Bahrain conference winds down, nations that donate to UNRWA will convene at the  UN on July 2nd, 2019 to raise funds for UNRWA Early News Coverage of the event: https://tinyurl.com/yxdaxsu8 This conference will occur two...

UN Raises Funds for UNRWA Financial Crisis That Does Not Exist

As of December 31, 2017, UNRWA posted a financial statement that its income rested at a stable $1.2 billion, stemming from donations from 68 donor nations and 27 other sources. https://www.unrwa.org/sites/default/files/overalldonor_ranking.pdf Yet on September 27, The...

Where has all the Flour Gone: The Fake Humanitarian UNRWA Crisis

Over that past month, members of the US House Middle East Subcommittee raised concerns that humanitarian aid does not reach the Palestinian population, especially in Gaza. The Center for Near East Policy Research, CFNEPR, contacted...

Text: Bill to Apply Standard Refugee Standards To Palestinians (no inherited status)

115TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION H. R. 6451 Initiated by Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) A BILL To establish the policy of the United States with respect to contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in...

Letter to the US Congress: UNRWA complains about funding – while training children to...

Over the past month, reports have circulated that members of the US ​ House Middle East Subcommittee raised concerns that humanitarian aid is not reaching the Palestinian population, especially in Gaza. In response, the Center...

David Bedein suggests: model letter send to every public official or legislative body: Does...

July 24, 2018 Mr. Donald Duck, Legislative Aide. % The Hon. Mickey Mouse Member, Parliament of Fredonia. Does UNRWA Allow Hamas to use Humanitarian Funds to Train Children to Bear Arms? ​Over the past month, reports have circulated in...

The case for shuttering UNRWA schools’ doors closed…permanently

The US government decision to suspend funds to UNRWA schools until reforms take place in UNRWA has raised some eyebrows. Why did the US suspend funds to UNRWA in the first place? Since 1999, Hamas has...

Lamborn presented with report indicting UNRWA textbooks

Officials from the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Middle East Forum presented a new report to Representative Doug Lamborn (R-CO) on Tuesday blasting UNRWA for allegedly including calls for incitement and violence against Israelis in...

UNRWA Reader

UNRWA as Obstacle to Peace Ending UNRWA and Advancing Peace Israel Not Invited to U.N. Conference on Refugees – June 13, 2004 The Mystery of the Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Monument – July 3, 2012 Ten Talking Points: How to...