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UN Textbooks in Palestinian Schools Strongly Anti-Israel, Anti-U.S. 33/10714-un-textbooks-in-palestinian-schools-strongly-anti-israel-anti-us Textbooks provided by the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) to Palestinian schools have been found to contain strongly anti-Israeli and anti-American sentiments. Experts testified on the content of the textbooks last Wednesday...

U.S. funds used for Palestinian textbooks that preach hate ID=4&SubSectionID=4&ArticleID=16583 Palestinian children are being taught that Israelis are pigs and snakes. So said Arnon Groiss, senior journalist for the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Arabic Radio, during a congressional briefing last week. The schools these young refugees attend...

UN Textbooks for Palestinian Children “Explosively Anti-Semitic, Anti-American and Anti-Israeli” explosively-anti-semitic-anti-american-and-anti Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), chairman of the House subcommittee on Human Rights and co-chairman of the Bi-Partisan Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism, told that U.S. donations to the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency...

The new nexus of narcoterrorism: Hezbollah and Venezuela Press stories, as well as a television documentary, over the past two months have detailed the growing cooperation between South American drug traffickers and Middle Eastern terrorists, proving that the United States continues to...

U.S. Moves To ‘Advise’ PA Forces

The United States has decided to change its focus in helping Palestinian Authority security forces. The administration of President Barack Obama intends to move away from equipping PA security forces. Instead, the State Department, amid...

A Tribute to Archbishop Pietro Sambi, whose memory is being observed today in Washington,...

On September 14, 2011, a memorial service was held for Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Pope's ambassador to the United States and formerly the Papal Nuncio in Jerusalem. He died very recently. I knew this man....

Promoting Peace? Reexamining U.S. Aid to the Palestinian Authority Chairman Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member Berman, and distinguished members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, I thank you for the opportunity to discuss with you...

U.S. must end funding of terrorist propaganda in Palestinian camps When you examine the websites about the United Nations Relief and Work Agency, you get glowing reports of its wonderful humanitarian work. You're told of an agency that is helping care for an estimated 1.5...

U.S. aid to Palestinians in jeopardy over Hamas link American aid to the Palestinians is in jeopardy over their ties to the terrorist group Hamas, unwillingness to restart negotiations with Israel and push for statehood at the United Nations over U.S. resistance, congressional...

The Palestinian Accountability Act One of the more intractable components of our foreign policy dating back to the Clinton years has been the obsession of creating a Palestinian state. The career egghead diplomats in the State Department believed...