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For Ilhan Omar, not all foreign influence spending is bad

During her time in Congress, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has frequently voiced concern over the influence of foreign interests on American politics — most controversially with regard to the pro-Israel community in the U.S. But when she visited Qatar...

House Republicans are drawing a bright line on UN reform

Liberals don’t like spending cuts, and they especially love spending taxpayers’ money abroad. So when the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs released its funding bill for fiscal year 2024 last month,...

Biden’s Ambassador to Israel Approved Grant Aimed at Delegitimizing Israel, Emails Show

The Biden administration’s outgoing ambassador to Israel personally signed off on a controversial $1 million grant to a program critics said was meant to delegitimize Israel, according to internal State Department communications obtained by...

USAID Boasts of Funding Antisemitic Charity in Gaza Linked to Designated Terrorist Organization

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is part of the State Department, has boasted of providing taxpayer funding to a Palestinian charity linked closely to the designated terrorist organization Hamas. A USAID August...

UNRWA is Part of the Problem – Not the Solution

The United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has once again requested international financial aid. This is the same organization whose workers have been promoting violence and antisemitism on social...

David Cicilline, Jewish progressive, is new chair of House Middle East subcommittee

Democrats on the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee voted to name as chairman of its influential Middle East subcommittee Rep. David Cicilline, a Jewish Rhode Islander who is a member of the...

After $150 Million Boost From Biden, UN Agency Cited for Inciting Violence Against Jews

Even after the Biden administration injected $150 million into the organization, the United Nations agency responsible for Palestinian refugees continues to incite violence against Jews, and armed militants use its facilities, according to a...

Por que os palestinos estão ganhando a guerra midiática: uma entrevista com David Bedein...

David Bedein dirige a Agência de Notícias e Recursos de Israel com sede em Jerusalém, que fornece serviços de notícias para a mídia estrangeira, desde 1987. Ele também trabalhou em missões especiais para a...

Palestinians facing deep crisis and internal dissent amid US aid curbs

The Palestinian Authority is in deep crisis as the United States has sharply cut direct aid to the Palestinians and other assistance to them via the United Nations amid reports of misuse of funds...

Democrats from the US at war with Israel

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in his victorious campaign against incumbent Elliot Engle, Bowman, blasted Engel for his close relationship with Israel. In May 2021, he called for more restrictions on U.S. aid to Israel  Rep....