congressional - search results

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Reconsidering the Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

In her passing, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was touted as a civil rights legend, and as a defender of constitutional liberties. However, the case of Jonathan Pollard reflects a bias which challenges Ginsburg’s...

UNRWA Investigative Articles 2021

SOURCE:   August 2021   What will change after the memo of understanding between the US and UNRWA? - Israel Behind the News   Texts remain in UNRWA schools despite anti-incitement agreement - Israel Behind the News   UNRWA's Anti-Semitic Teachers...

Imbecilic insanity

Former United Kingdom Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is reported as having called the American Administration’s total pullout from Afghanistan as imbecilic. A quoted remark made by the late President John Kennedy succinctly sums up the...

UNRWA’s Jihad Against Israel (Part One)

Congressional Republicans have recently introduced legislation to reintroduce President Donald Trump’s cessation of US aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Closing UNRWA and...

Gaza kids camp

Film of Summer Weapons Training for UNRWA students, to be screened by zoom for US Congressional Staff on August 24th at 1pm Eastern Time. Support for production and presentation of film documentation of the UNRWA reality to  donor nations can be...

Republicans Want To Cut Funding for Palestinian Refugee Agency

Congressional Republicans are moving to cut American funding to the United Nations' Palestinian refugee agency, citing its promotion of anti-Israel materials and ties to Iranian-backed terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Revolutionary proposed legislation in the US House of Representatives to constrain UNRWA from its...

Language from the House Appropriations Bill. Page 63: United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).—Pursuant to section 7048(d), funds appropriated under this heading shall be made available to UNRWA unless the Secretary of State determines and...

Circumvent UNRWA to help Gaza

On June 28th, 2021, The Jewish News Service confirmed that the US has asked Israel to work with UNRWA to rehabilitate Gaza. Yet the seeming absurdity of a suggestion that Israel should work with UNRWA...

SWC Encouraged by US linkage of renewed UNRWA aid to Curriculum that Doesn’t Promote...

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) is lauding the Biden Administration’s linkage of renewed aid to UNRWA to a curriculum that “does not promote incitement”. “The fact that Secretary of State Blinken will be required to...
JessicaRodriguezRivas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Make sure that the US Congress hears about conditions for UNRWA funding renewal

On June 8, 2021, The US Congress will begin to consider renewed US funding for UNRWA – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. which oversees 59 "temporary" refugee facilities for five million descendants...