Tag: Animals

A REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: In the land of war and hope

THE SHARDS OF the vessel that was shattered on Oct. 7 are scattered far and wide. They lie in cemeteries; their images look out at us from posters; others who are still breathing are...

International and Israeli Sociologists in Solidarity with Hamas

A new petition titled "Sociologists in Solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian People" was posted recently, with some two thousand signatures from students and staff. It includes many Arabs and some Jews, including David Feldman, Professor...

The involvement of the ‘uninvolved’: Gaza’s population actively abetted Hamas in plotting against Israel

Some 20,000 "uninvolved" workers from Gaza used to enter Israel every day until the slaughter. They did so for months and months. They worked in the communities of the Gaza border, in Sderot, and...

Video Testimony of Yossi Landau (Zaka) October 17 th , 2023

Video Testimony of Yossi Landau (Zaka) October 17th, 2023 Yossi Landau (Zaka): My name is Yossi Landau. I'm 55 years old. I live with in Ashdod, father of ten children, grandfather of 22, having a...

Boat trip aimed at saving Dead Sea also explores marvels revealed by its evaporation

As the owner of the second boat to sail the Dead Sea in the past 75 years, Noam Bedein knows its salty waters better than almost anyone. But lately, his excursions have led him...

Potemkin propaganda

From the Palestinians to Stalin to China, leftists still fall for the concealment of unspeakable crimes. (JNS / Jewish Journal) us last month tried to persuade Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton that China is not persecuting...

Israel’s judicial reform: strengthening democracy

A short explanation on how the judicial reforms in progress will address the anomalies of the Israeli system and bring Israel closer to the rest of the Western democracies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx8lKRWlSKQ

The Legislature can — and should — pull the plug on ethnic studies

Commentary March 8, 2023 Tammi Rossman-Benjamin California kids are in trouble. Less than half meet national standards for literacy, and only one-third meet standards for math. The picture is grimmer for minorities: percentages hover around 30% for African...

Making Israel Great Again

Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election this past week, is seen by many of his over one million supporters who voted for the Likud Party as a sign from above. His triumphant...

Double cross

Perfectly timed for the commencement of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), the heads of the United Kingdom Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches revealed their true agenda. Whether one calls it a case of “true confessions”...