Tag: Animals

Ein Karem

My name is Shulie Mishkin and I am a tour guide in Israel. This column will be an opportunity to explore places and people in the land. Welcome! This week let’s visit the beautiful village...

Give them a medal

Medals are usually awarded to individuals or groups for outstanding achievements and for making a positive impact on society in general. More often than not these are well deserved. It seems to me however that there...

Water solutions: Lessons from UAE to Israel

The signing of the Abraham Accords agreement on September 15, 2020, has created an extraordinary opportunity for the State of Israel to develop its regional relations — especially with the Gulf States. I can...

Sirhan was an “unaffiliated” terrorist

The controversy surrounding the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy has once again been resurrected with the publication of Peter Evans’s book ‘Nemesis’ in which the author accuses Aristotle Onassis of having ‘funded’ the...

How Palestinian Arabs Have Been Transformed From Being the Aggressor to the Victim

Operation Guardian of the Walls According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during the 11 days of Operation Guardian of the Walls, more than 4,360 rockets were intentionally launched at densely populated Israeli cities,...

What is it that woke folk smoke?

If truth be known woke folk don’t need to smoke anything in order to vilify Israel and by extension, Jews. Their knee jerk reactions to each and every action Israel takes to safeguard the lives...

On Palestinian Aid and Accountability

The decision to resume American aid to the Palestinians is a classic example of cart-before-the-horse thinking that has existed in one form or another for the past seven decades. Upwards of $235 million dollars...

A dispassionate perspective on the renewal of US Aid to UNRWA

The US Government has announced the renewal of aid to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which the UN created after as a "temporary" entity in the wake of the Israel War...

The Palestinian Authority’s Financial Support for Terrorism Circumvents U.S. and Israeli Law

The Palestinian government has decided to pay grants to terrorists and their families through the Palestinian postal banks to circumvent the Israeli prohibition on West Bank commercial banks’ involvement in terrorism-related activity. Israel and the...

Time to start polishing the crystal ball

With elections pending (again) and other developments which impact Israel, this would seem to be a propitious time to dust off the old crystal ball and give it a good polish. The only trouble with...