Tag: Canada

Canadian Universities and Anti-Israel Activities on Campus: Concordia as a Case in Point

Editorial Note Universities in Canada saw a spike in anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incidents. IAM discussed this issue before. IAM reported in September 2020, “Canada’s Battles on anti-Israel Activities” on the battle over the directorship of the International Human...

Canada Must Stop Funding Terrorism and Rewarding Murderers | CAEF Special Bulletin – March...

This is no well-guarded secret, but an open display of disrespect and dehumanizing of Jewish lives. Canada spends over $27,000,000 a year funding UNRWA, an organization that teaches children through its maps that Israel...

All Canadians suffer when hatred, lies and bigotry is unchecked

Re: Another Israel super-critic gets funding from the Trudeau Liberals, Barbara Kay, Dec. 31 Article content Barbara Kay’s article should cause huge concern for all minorities, not just the Jews. Kay established that there is no sound...

How Canada Can Influence UNRWA Refugee Policy

With the dawn of a new government in Israel, Canada seeks a constructive role in the renewal of a peace process in the Middle East. In that context, the Canadian government has announced renewed funding...

Canadian Military Launched Investigation Into Summer Riots In Judea

In July, riots were perpetrated by masked men in the Hebron region, located in Area C of Judea, an area under Israeli sovereignty. Were these riots perpetrated by Jews? Was the violence orchestrated by...

New Book on Anti-Israel Advocacy in Canada

Several Canadian scholars co-authored a new book Advocating for Palestine in Canada Histories, Movements, Action.  As has been the norm in pro-Palestinian academic circles, the book and its review are mostly focused on attacking Israel rather...

CAEF & UKLFI present “Special 2022 Israel Independence Program: Whose Land?”

CAEF & UKLFI present "Special 2022 Israel Independence Program: Whose Land?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faK8vH9MAjo

Deputy Leader of the Canadian Federal NDP has posted biased, antisemitic message about the...

Alexandre Boulerice is the Deputy Leader of the NDP and an MP from  Quebec and below is his original Facebook post in French and the English Translation, followed by a letter from CAEF to...

Antisemitism & Social Work

Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation is collaborating with social workers to investigate antisemitism as a topic that has, historically, been omitted from the social work curriculum, according to the social work literature. We hope to better...

Canada Must Stop Funding Terrorist Training Against Jews

Dear Mr. Housefather, It is urgent that the Government of Canada cease funding the Jew hatred and terrorism that is a significant part of the educational material used by the UN Relief and Works Agency...