Tag: Gaza

NYT report reveals details of Hamas headquarters under Shifa Hospital

Hamas began constructing its headquarters under Shifa Hospital, Gaza's central hospital, from the moment the organization took control over the Gaza Strip in 2007, the New York Times reported on Monday, citing eight former and current...

Connect the dots

Connecting the dots is as easy as putting various facts and clues together in order to see the whole picture or to understand something globally. On 9 November, Jews worldwide commemorated the anniversary of Kristallnacht...

Cash flow: 16 years of Qatari money to Hamas has created a monster

In Israel, Qatar has been identified for years, and certainly after the murderous attack of October 7th, as belonging to the axis of evil. This follows the aid it provides to the terrorist organization...

A mother’s courage: Renana’s 12-hour journey to bring her kidnapped sons home

I recently returned from a 12-hour personal impact visit to New York, where I accompanied Renana Gome, a mother whose two sons were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists into Gaza. It has now been a month...

Why the Gaza war is the deadliest Arab-Israel conflict in last 4 decades

October 7 seemed just like any other day for Elchanan Bedein and members of his kibbutz, a small farming commune near the Gaza border in West Bank. Little did they know that the day would...


The Hamas attack on Oct 7 was a "pogrom". The word is Russian. It means an organized massacre of helpless Jews including looting, rape, and wanton destruction. Waves of savage pogroms hit the Jews of...

UNRWA’s close interaction with terrorist organisation Hamas

WRITTEN QUESTION E-0629/09 by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission During the recent military operation ‘Cast Lead’ by Israel in Gaza, the Hamas terrorist organisation used UNRWA compounds such as schools to attack Israeli forces and...

UNRWA after the war

The war in Gaza will change many basic things, not only in the Middle East but all over the world as well, hopefully for the better and a policy change within UNRWA is a...


Haaretz | Opinion Israel Is Not Committing Genocide in Gaza …instead of seeing this as positive and critical to put checks and balances on Netanyahu's government, which indeed includes supporters of terror, genocide and full apartheid, Which members of...

The roots of Hamas’ terror attack can be found in Gaza’s schools

At the core of the tragedy unfolding in Gaza is a question: When Israel withdrew from the coastal Palestinian enclave in 2005, why did the romantic vision of it as a place that would...