Tag: Gaza

Are the Palestinians turning against UNRWA?

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East has come under attack from the Palestinian Authority over an emergency policy change that both the PA and Gaza's rulers...

Explaining The Iron Dome – What Is This Metaphorical “Invisible Shield”?

In the Bible chapter Judges, biblical figure Samson used a donkey bone jaw as a weapon. Also in that same chapter, a tent peg, millstone and a host of other odd weapons are used....

A look at the billions of dollars in foreign aid to Gaza

The international community has sent billions of dollars in aid to the Gaza Strip in recent years to provide relief to the more than 2 million Palestinians living in the isolated, Hamas-ruled territory. The aid...

Contornando a UNRWA para ajudar Gaza

Em 28 de junho, o The Jewish News Service confirmou que os EUA pediram a Israel para trabalhar com a UNRWA para reabilitar Gaza. No entanto, o aparente absurdo de uma sugestão de que Israel...

Theatre of the absurd

This past week has witnessed yet more acts of folly performed at the United Nations and on the world stage. Multitudes of clowns and impersonators masquerading as politicians, experts and groupie lemmings all managed to...

He was the top U.N. official in Gaza. An Israeli TV interview cost him...

Matthias Schmale was the highest-ranking international representative based in the Gaza Strip before his tenure ended with a jolt. During the 11-day conflict this May between Gaza militants and Israel, Israeli warplanes bombed the roads...

Antissemitismo na educação da UNRWA na Cisjordânia, Jerusalém Oriental e Gaza

A Agência das Nações Unidas de Assistência aos Refugiados da Palestina no Próximo Oriente (UNRWA), fornece aos descendentes dos refugiados palestinos de 1948, serviços educacionais na Síria, Líbano, Jordânia, Cisjordânia, Jerusalém Oriental e Gaza....

Mainstream Democrats Introduce Bill Endangering Israel

This is not an "occupation." It is legitimate and entirely lawful self-defense. It would be a lie — a blood libel — for the United States to declare Gaza to be occupied territory. ...

Gaza factions increase calls to revoke US-UNRWA agreement

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Palestinian factions in Gaza organized a conference on Sept. 14 to call for the revocation of the framework between the United States and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine...

Germany pledges €100 million to fund vital projects in Palestine

Palestine and Germany signed today a joint cooperation agreement, in which Germany pledged to support the Palestinian government with about 100 million euros during the next two years to finance projects in the Gaza...