Tag: Hamas

The Biden Administration’s Dangerous Solutions For Gaza

If Abbas cannot and does not want to fight Hamas in the West Bank, there is no reason to believe that he will do otherwise in the Gaza Strip, where terrorist groups enjoy...

Jerusalem Association of Journalists (JAJ) calls on the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to...

November 16, 2023 The Jerusalem Association of Journalists (JAJ) calls on the International federation of Journalists (IFJ) to cease being a propaganda tool for the Hamas terrorist organization and the Palestinian Journalists Association, amid false...

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar׳s exclusive interview on BBC


From DeNazification to DeHamasification

The seeds of indoctrination and incitement are planted from a very young age, from cradle to grave, which fuel violence in our region, particularly within jihadist Islam. To counter this, it is essential to halt...

Israel isn’t struggling in Gaza. It’s winning a rapid victory

The Israel Defence Forces have been attacking Hamas in Gaza from land, sea and air for two weeks now, following a three-week air campaign. Before ground operations began, US military advisers urged the Israelis...

NYT report reveals details of Hamas headquarters under Shifa Hospital

Hamas began constructing its headquarters under Shifa Hospital, Gaza's central hospital, from the moment the organization took control over the Gaza Strip in 2007, the New York Times reported on Monday, citing eight former and current...

Connect the dots

Connecting the dots is as easy as putting various facts and clues together in order to see the whole picture or to understand something globally. On 9 November, Jews worldwide commemorated the anniversary of Kristallnacht...

Never Again was the reaction to the Shoah; now it helps us understand why...

Dear Friends, I was walking home today in midtown Manhattan and, to my horror, there was a brightly lit up truck declaring “NYC for the Palestinians, Israel must be stopped”.  This started me thinking –...

The ‘Massacre’ Coming to Judea and Samaria

The Biden administration warns against settler violence, the IDF goes soft against West Bank violence and the terror coming to Judea and Sumeria. Watch now on The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n00Z_ntceHg  

Haaretz Forms of “indiscretion”

1. opinion stated as fact 2. only one side presented 3. incorrect fact 4. illogical conclusion drawn from facts 5. skewed choice of subjects that are presented 6. skewed choice of reports that are considered accurate 7. article gives last word to one side without its truly...