Tag: Middle East

Investigation Into COGAT and Israel Corporate Sector Complicit Operations in the PA, especially in...

Israeli corporations have a de facto monopoly on the provision of supplies to Gaza and other PA areas. The ability of these corporations to sustain their exclusive control of this multi-billion dollar market is wholly dependent...

Connect the dots

Connecting the dots is as easy as putting various facts and clues together in order to see the whole picture or to understand something globally. On 9 November, Jews worldwide commemorated the anniversary of Kristallnacht...

The ‘Massacre’ Coming to Judea and Samaria

The Biden administration warns against settler violence, the IDF goes soft against West Bank violence and the terror coming to Judea and Sumeria. Watch now on The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n00Z_ntceHg  

Haaretz Forms of “indiscretion”

1. opinion stated as fact 2. only one side presented 3. incorrect fact 4. illogical conclusion drawn from facts 5. skewed choice of subjects that are presented 6. skewed choice of reports that are considered accurate 7. article gives last word to one side without its truly...

Cash flow: 16 years of Qatari money to Hamas has created a monster

In Israel, Qatar has been identified for years, and certainly after the murderous attack of October 7th, as belonging to the axis of evil. This follows the aid it provides to the terrorist organization...

Congressman Smith: ‘UNRWA schools are breeding grounds for hatred’

Thank you for the opportunity to submit a statement on behalf of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), a leading Jewish Global Human Rights NGO to this distinguished Subcommittee, I am honored to serve as the...

So, That’s How NBC News Framed a Jewish Man’s Homicide at a Pro-Israel Rally?

Are we back to this game again? The media sanitized and obfuscated how a Jewish person died amid the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Usually, CNN or The Associated Press takes that honor, especially amid the wave...

University of Haifa Students Suspended for Supporting Hamas

19.10.23 Editorial Note Last week, the University of Haifa Rector, Prof. Gur Elroey, suspended six students due to expressions of support for Hamas on social media. The students are members of Hadash, the Israeli Communist Party. Elroey sent...

UNRWA’s terrorists

Tragically, the visuals the Israeli government has been using—dead and maimed bodies—are too easy for the PLO and Hamas to counter. It was not hard to predict that the Arabs would now line up their...

UNRWA’s close interaction with terrorist organisation Hamas

WRITTEN QUESTION E-0629/09 by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE) to the Commission During the recent military operation ‘Cast Lead’ by Israel in Gaza, the Hamas terrorist organisation used UNRWA compounds such as schools to attack Israeli forces and...