Tag: Middle East

Palestinian anti-Israel activists dump out Israeli-made dairy products that they confiscated from local merchants in Ramallah, March 2. (Image source: Wattan TV video screenshot)

The Palestinians Want… Peace?

The latest PLO and Fatah campaign is not directed only against settlement products. Rather, it is targeting anything made in Israel, as a part of an "anti-normalization" movement, whose goal is to thwart any...

2014 Gaza War Assessment: The New Face of Conflict

A report by the JINSA-commissioned Gaza Conflict Task Force, 2015. The Hamas strategy employed in the 2014 Gaza War represents the new face of war that threatens to undermine the effectiveness of conventional militaries, endangers...

Opinion: ISIS and the Brotherhood

The US is fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and so is Iran. At the same time, Washington is holding nuclear talks with Tehran and imposing sanctions on its government with...

Illusions and Delusions of Michael Oren in the Wall Street Journal: a new...

Michael Oren​, an American born Israeli academic, former Israel ambassador to the US, is now running for the Knesset on the ticket of a small political party. During his political campaign, Oren has positioned himself...

‘Jihadi John’: The bourgeois terrorist

Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a professor of practice at Arizona State University and a vice president atNew America. He is the author of "Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden --...

February 15, 2015: The Good Guys

The good guys give hope and promise for the possibility of better days coming. Many spirits were buoyed on Friday, when the news broke that Elie Wiesel had announced that he would be attending Netanyahu’s...

The World War Inside Islam

In the aftermath of America’s invasion of Iraq, Norman Podhoretz, the neoconservative polemicist and editor of Commentary, wrote a long essay arguing that the battle against Islamist extremism amounted to “World War IV.” Podhoretz...

Hamas-linked charity, Interpal, enjoys mainstream support

Muslim charities in Britain today, writes journalist and broadcaster Peter Oborne in the Daily Telegraph, “risk being reviled, smeared and branded a terrorist organization.” Oborne, the Telegraph’s chief political commentator, believes one charity in particular, London-based Interpal, has bore the...

The UN Commission of Inquiry on the Gaza Conflict: A Clear Violation of All...

Vol. 15, No. 4       February 5, 2015 William Schabas, Chair of the UN Gaza Inquiry, resigned from his post this week. His glaring anti-Israel bias was demonstrated in statements made by him over...

Here we go again!…writes Michael Kuttner

The year has launched off with a flying start of outrageous terror, political hypocrisy and ramped up rhetoric. This week was international Holocaust Memorial Day which provided a platform for politicians to prattle their annual...