Financial Crisis In UNRWA – Why?

This week, UNRWA discerned that the US will not allow UNRWA to use $330 Million that the US has allocated to UNRWA this year. Suddenly, UNRWA did not have enough cash to pay its...

The City of Jerusalem in the Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks in UNRWA Use

Introduction This research discusses the image of the city of Jerusalem as revealed in the Palestinian Authority's schoolbooks currently used in UNRWA's schools in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Seventy textbooks...

Hitler’s shadow – Nazi War

CHAPTER TWO Nazis and the Middle East Recent scholarship has highlighted Nazi aims in the Middle East, including the intent to murder the Jewish population of Palestine with a special task force that was to accompany...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – April 10, 2023


Reissue of ​ ​worst text for UNRWA schools, despite calls for change

At a time when publicity of incitement in the the UNRWA schools continues, following official UNRWA incitement hearings in the US Congress, there is a new development at the Palestinian Authority Curriculum Center, which...

UNRWA Smoking Gun

In  36 years of news coverage of UNRWA, we have had a few  opportunities to produce a smoking gun from UNRWA. UNRWA just provided  a new smoking gun. UNRWA, which relies on the PA curriculum, this week...


The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and Trade) has issued a statement that they are “appalled” at the assertion by Israel’s Finance Minister that today’s Palestinians are fakers. What, in reality, is really appalling...

Four questions about the opponents of judicial reform

There is no reason to impugn the integrity of the vast majority of those who demonstrated against reforms to the Israeli Supreme Court. At the same time, most people do not know that there are...

Exposing the vile UNRWA Palestinian Education System

Join Simon as he interviews Angela Oakley on how British taxpayers are funding the UNRWA Palestinian education that is inciting Palestinian children to hate and glory terrorism. 😔 👉 Click here for more: https://revelationtv.com/news/Exposing-the-vile-UNRWA-Palestinian-Education-System

Israel Judicial Reform Crisis

JNS Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alex Traiman sorts out the details of Israel's Judicial Reform Crisis. What are the reforms? Why are there protests? Why are there counter-protests? Will embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be...