Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act

H. R. 2343 To require the Secretary of State to submit annual reports reviewing the educational material used by the Palestinian Authority or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the...

Biden administration cozies up to controversial UN agency for Palestinian refugees

It wasn’t what was stated during a virtual meeting between the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and the head of a controversial U.N. agency that deals with Palestinian refugees that riled critics — it was what was missing from the...

UNRWA commissioner claims the agency is not political. It is nothing BUT political!

Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner General of UNRWA, wrote an article in Al Jazeera with some whopping lies. The lies start with the headline: Calling them "refugees" is political! There is only one definition of refugee, and it is...

Studie om Israel, judar och fred i den palestinska myndighetens skolböcker som används i...

Introduktion En myndighets skolböcker visar de värderingar ett samhälle vill införa till sina yngre generationer. När de publiceras av en regim - som fallet är i den palestinska myndigheten (PA) - anger de dess långsiktiga politik....

US Resumption Of Foreign Aid To The Palestinians – Analysis

On April 7, 2021, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the Biden Administration’s plan to resume various forms of aid to the Palestinians that had been discontinued under the Trump Administration. Separately in March,...

UNRWA Caught Teaching Terrorism, Jew Hatred as Biden Admin Resumes Taxpayer Funding

The United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency is promoting violence against Israel and using educational materials that call for the Jewish state’s destruction, according to video evidence and copies of lesson plans being taught to...

Policy change as condition for aid to UNRWA

1.Advcate Policy change as condition for aid to UNRWA. https://israelbehindthenews.com/2018/02/06/david-bedein-leading-fight-unrwa-reform-initiative/ Do not waste time with calls to replace UNRWA.UN will not allow that to occur. Responsible for UNRWA  policies: donor nations.UNRWA donors need feedback. https://israelbehindthenews.com/2019/12/03/model-letter-to-send-to-ambassadors-from-unrwa-donor-nations/ Those who make...

UNRWA does not create policies on its own

At a time when news of renewed aid to UNRWA from the US, Canada, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Germany now dominate the headlines, the time has come  for a dispassionate perspective from...

UNRWA: Teaching Arab children to kill Jews

Israel365 News spoke with David Bedein, CEO & Founder at Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research & Israel Resource News Agency, about how UNRWA has been actively educating Arab children to wage Jihad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZlSmdsWA-s&feature=emb_title

MFAT officials justify NZ-funded hate to minister

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act by the Israel Institute of New Zealand show that, for the first time ever, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) briefed the minister about hate and...