Other credentials of Dr. Burdman:
Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatrists and Neurologists
Diplomate of the American Board of Pathologists
Research Associate (prior), at the Harry S.Truman Institute for Research into the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University.
This is an executive summary of the paper published in Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol.15, No. 1, (Spring 2003).

Part I.

It was selected by the U.S. Army War College Library for inclusion in its publication Periodical Articles for Current Awareness (1 August 2003).

Common wisdom indicates that an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord must be accompanied by elimination of anti-Israel incitement in Palestinian textbooks and media as proposed by the government of Israel among the 14 limitations to be attached to the Roadmap.

Although there is some recognition of the depth and longstanding repercussions of the indoctrination to martyrdom of Palestinian youth, there have been no proposals for a broader official government policy which would be necessary for remediation of this problem. An analysis of the methods employed by the Palestinian Authority to indoctrinate youth to martyrdom reveal them to encompass basic psychological mechanisms of such profundity that the inculcated indoctrination will be extremely tenacious, longstanding, and difficult to eradicate and will necessitate an ambitious remedial deconditioning program for its reversal (in conjunction with associated political measures).

The psychological mechanisms elucidated as underlying the indoctrination are well-established cornerstones in the field of behavioral psychology, and have been investigated and authenticated by extensive research and clinical application over the years. (Psycho-analytic concepts which as yet remain predominantly speculative and theoretical, have not been considered to be relevant).

Material used for this analysis was from official Palestinian schoolbooks published by the Ministry of Education of the Palestinian Authority, together with P.A. official television programs, all directed towards conditioning (or in other words, programming) youth to accept and admire the concept of martyring themselves for Jihad, and to develop the desire and eager willingness to do so.

Results of this study indicate the following psychological mechanisms to be involved in the conditioning process:

  • Learning Theory [based on Operant Conditioning], by which is meant that behaviors which are rewarded increase in number and extent. Human approval is among the most powerful of rewards. In the P.A., acceptance of martyrdom concepts elicits strong approval, while its rejection elicits strong disapproval. The promise of the approbation of Allah and entry into Paradise is the ultimate reward.
  • The content of material learned emphasizes nationalism and religious Jihad.
  • Influence of the group and group dynamics is inherent in promoting the learning process directed toward martyrdom. Group influence has been recognized by experts as one of the fundamentals in establishing the cohesion of terrorist groups, cults and gangs. Charismatic leadership is likewise of fundamental importance.
  • Repetition and persuasion are all involved in conjunction with the above factors to condition and program the mind.
  • Increased suggestibility occurs in various situations e.g. with heightened states of anxiety, anger and emotion such as that invoked by nationalist, patriotic speeches, religious sermons and most certainly in conjunction with the P.A. T.V. clips. The beating of drums and martial music so prominently featured in the clips are powerful aids to inducing increased suggestibility.
  • This phenomenon of suggestibility is part of a light hypnotic trance. It is emphasized that this occurs in the awake state. Sleep is not necessary.
  • Extreme emotional states accompanied by increased suggestibility and the learning of new patterns of thought and behavior, involve basic elements of conditioning situations originally described by Pavlov.
  • Additionally it is important to note that growing up in any authoritarian society induces the individual to develop unequivocal dogmatic reasoning processes which prevent the intellectual flexibility necessary for compromise and negotiation. Furthermore the inherent frustrations of relating to autocratic parents and teachers, induces anger which cannot be voiced but which requires a legitimized external object on which it can be projected. Dissent within the authoritarian, in this case Palestinian, society is generally impossible. Displacement of frustration and anger onto an external scapegoat, Israel, is convenient and fuels the fires of Palestinian national aggression.
  • Statistical reviews indicate numerically the effectiveness of the P.A. campaign of indoctrination of youth.

    Although the PA blames the suffering of their children on Israel, the fact is that the P.A. has not utilized excellent programs instituted elsewhere by UNICEF and UNESCO (e.g. in Bosnia, Croatia etc.) to diagnose and treat children manifesting symptoms of severe emotional distress. The most likely explanation would appear to be that the PA considers it necessary to keep outsiders from becoming aware of the full process of Palestinian indoctrination of their children to martyrdom.

    The long term outlook is considered to be very problematic based as it is on the profound effects of the conditioning and programing process analysed above. This prognosis is supported by practical experiences gained in similar situations, for instance in the deprogramming of long-term cult members. That the PA, as a closed society, with a charismatic leader and presenting a unipolar disposition can be regarded as equivalent to a cult, makes this a valid comparison.

    This leads to the only possible conclusion that the mass indoctrination perpetrated on Palestinian youth will require intensive, prolonged deconditioning procedures, the features of which are described in Part II.

    Part II: The Deconditioning of Palestinian Society from Inculcated Hatred

    This is a new proposal relating to deconditioning of Palestinian society. [It follows from, but is not derived from the published paper summarized in part I].

    In the event of a peace declaration between the Palestinians and Israel, either as a result of a negotiated peace, or after a Capitulation by the Palestinians secondary to successful Israeli military action, the rabid hatred of Israel presently manifested by Palestinian society at large will have to be addressed, or it will obviate any possibility of a successful peace process. It is noted that a Capitulation by Israel is not envisaged, due to the declared intent of the Palestinians (both by the P.A. and by Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc.) to annihilate the State of Israel.

    Although even more complex than the post WWII situation in view of the absence of an effective, neutral coalition similar to the Allied coalition after WWII, yet it is essential to start considering the format of Reconstruction within any future Palestinian state or autonomous area which will be brought into existence.

    The following parameters are posited as cornerstones of the reconstruction process

    • Criminalization of incitement to violence and preaching of martyrdom.
    • Consideration of Nuremberg-type trials.
    • Psychological deconditioning from hatred and violence.
    • Democratization.
    • Establishment of a body representing Moderate Islam to perform as Consultants and Administrators in conjunction with secular officials both Palestinian and non-Palestinian.
    • A massive Marshall Plan type program for socio-economic development of the ensuing Palestinian society.


    In that Palestinian society has been imbued with profound hatred by deliberate programming through all available means, including societal communication, formal education within the schools, extensive well-coordinated official Palestinian Authority media programs, and messages from the mosques inspired by political (militant) Islam, establishment of a future peace between the Palestinians and Israel, will require considerably more than dismantling the terrorist organizations. Such dismantlement is an essential first step, which of necessity must be followed by a 2-pronged simultaneous program consisting of

    (1) deconditioning from hatred,

    (2) massive societal reconstruction.

    1. Palestinians, but most particularly Palestinian youth, have been conditioned to hatred of Israel, Israelis and (to a somewhat lesser extent) of the U.S by programs (described in Part I) which employ highly sophisticated psychological methods and which thereby tap profound underlying psychological processes*. It is therefore essential that psychological deconditioning, which uses similarly designed mechanisms, must be utilized to undo this profound conditioning to hatred, and must form an integral part of any reconstruction program. This will be a long and arduous process.

    It will be established in the schools, and in the media. Educationists as well as psychologists will need to be closely involved in establishing and refining such programs.

    2. Essential factors in Palestinian societal reconstruction will include:

    A. Active education about true democracy, development of a flourishing civil society, development of an active middle class with incorporation of entrepreneurial aspects, equality of women, a legal constitution which reflects contemporary aspects of democratic jurisprudence, the rule of law, due process, and human rights, and which recognizes freedom of religion and separation of Church and State. In accord with concerns about one man, one vote, one time, some authorities indicate that implementation of elections per se must needs be delayed until the democratization process is well advanced and has been seen to be successfully employed by community groups etc. at a local level.

    B. Constantly ongoing active inputs, both consultative and administrative, from prominent and respected Islamic Moderates, both secular and religious, will be indispensable and essential at all phases of education and democratization.

    C. Massive repair and development of the Palestinian nation by a contemporary Marshall Plan will be essential, running concurrently with above programs

    In order to permit development of the above processes, and drawing on the successful experiences of the post World War II programs, all forms of incitement to, teaching of, and, preaching of, violence for political ends, must be criminalized in Palestinian society. Trial by due process and strict enforcement of legal sentences will need to be implemented.

    The holding of Nuremberg-type trials will need to be strongly considered for designated war criminals. This will involve intense legal and political discussion.

    It is to be remembered that: strict monitoring will be essential at all stages in view of the unfortunate history of

    (a) consistent non-compliance by the Palestinians.

    (b) monitoring agencies who have failed to monitor for various reasons including holding the autonomy of developing nations as a sacrosanct principle, or who have abused their prerogative. Such agencies include the E.U., the U.N. and UNWRA.

    Current international attitudes present a considerable problem in terms of the commonly accepted interpretations of just wars and deprivation theory as the basis for hatred and terrorism. Recognition of issues raised above will be necessary in terms of gaining international allegiance.

    * It is highly likely that sophisticated psychologists and psychiatrists have been responsible for formulating the existing programs within the P.A. of indoctrination to hatred, violence, martyrdom, and suicide bombings