Daily Archives: April 8, 2009

Are Palestinian Policies Of New Israeli and US Administrations On A Road To Collision?

Comments President Barack Obama made in Turkey yesterday, reiterating President George W. Bush’s call for an independent Palestinian state, has placed his administration on a collision course with Israel’s new government. His comments stand in...

A Week in Poland: A Difficulty Time of Reflection

I have just returned from what I hope was my first and last trip to Poland. Before we left, we went to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. There we were told, that the...

Religious Leaders Talk Ahead Of Pope’s Visit A Rabbi Greets The Pope In Rome,...

A leading Israeli rabbi is speaking out on the sensitive discussions between the Israeli rabbinate and the Vatican in anticipation of Pope Benedict XVI's May visit to the Holy Land and about his own...

A Castle For All Seasons

The history of the Jewish, Medieval Catholic and Muslim rule in the Holy Land and the ongoing fight for control is encapsulated by one site perched on the shore in the Town of Tiberius...

A review of MK Zoabi’s code of ethics for reporters

The Zoabi interview conducted by Samuel Sokol has been causing quite a stir. Zoabi attacked Sokol and says he was unfair and misportrayed her statements. unfortunately for her, Sokol has a recording of the whole...

The Rise and Demise of the Two-State Paradigm

Abstract: The conventional wisdom recommends the establishment of a Palestinian state to bring about an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (the two-state paradigm). This article first reviews the confluence of domestic and international factors that...

America Providing Palestinian Security Forces with Top Level Training

U.S. giving Palestinian security forces top-level training The United States has been training senior Palestinian security officials in an advanced officers course in Ramallah for top-brass, Haaretz has learned. The new course, entitled "senior leaders' course,"...