Monthly Archives: October 2016

If a US protester been called to testified at the UN Security Council against...

Emerging from the environment in Madison Wisconsin of mass protests against the Vietnam War 46 years ago, before moving to Israel, I wonder what would have been the response of the US public had...

NGO Monitor : B’Tselem’s UN Presentation, Gov’t Responses, and the Role of European Funding

In the wake of B'Tselem's presentation at the UN Security Council on Friday (October 11) and the resulting debate, including responses from Israeli government officials and Knesset members, NGO Monitor released the following statement: NGO...

Seeking Sponsors for

Two years ago, we registered a web site, We engaged the services of intelligence experts who were fluent in Arabic, Hebrew and English and who know the subject matter. However, we were not able to...

ICYMI – US Administration Blocks the US Congress on Syria over Iran fears

On Saturday Secretary Kerry participated in what he described as a 9-nation "brainstorming session" on Syria, which included Russian FM Lavrov and Iranian FM Zarif, which did not produce any agreement . On Sunday...

UNESCO and Jerusalem –  Only the tip of the Iceberg

The resolution passed by UNESCO this week which declared that Judaism has no connection to the Temple Mount and Western Wall compound in Jerusalem is only the tip of the iceberg. Other diplomatic decisions concerning...

Meanwhile back in the real world…writes Michael Kuttner

The VIP’s have returned to their countries and the oratorical funeral eulogies have subsided. Jerusalemites can breathe easy now that roads have been re-opened and the suffocating security dislocation of the past week has passed....

DETTA YOM KIPPUR : ETT GEMENSAM hot mot livet på alla fronter I Israel!

Den vikigaste stunden under högtiden Yom Kippur är när människor i synagogan sjunger Unetanneh Tokefs bön "Hur många kommer att lämna jordelivet och hur många kommer att födas; hur många kommer att leva och...

Israeli gov’t position: legality of Jewish communities settled in land taken by IDF in...

Attempts to present Jewish settlement in West Bank territory (ancient Judea and Samaria) as illegal and "colonial" in nature ignores the complexity of this issue, the history of the land, and the unique legal...

Virtual Housing Freeze in Judea, Samaria and  Jerusalem

There is a freeze on new housing in Judea, Samaria and even the neighborhoods in Jerusalem built since 1967   The homes that you see under construction in these areas were planned ten, fifteen years ago. No newer...

All the world’s stage…writes Michael Kuttner

One couldn’t have asked for a bigger stage than last week’s funeral for Shimon Peres z”l, with all the strutting actors performing according to a pre-ordained script. It was certainly the end of an era....