Monthly Archives: February 2018
Seizing chaos as opportunity making lemonade from “lemons” in the Middle East
If Israeli planners like it or not, regional chaos is increasingly plausible in the Middle East. Whether this chaos should stem from the proliferation of nuclear weapons among Israel's enemies, or "merely" from the...
PBS Run Amok: Promoting UNRWA as an agency with no indiscretions
This is the John Yang PBS Interview with Scott Anderson, UNRWA Director of Operations, on Feb. 19, 2018
We have offered to meet PBS presenter John Yang & provide a reply to at least...
Deadly Threat from Iran
Former IRGC commander threatens to nuke Israel—and why he’s for real
Maj. General Mohsen Rezai founded Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in the early days of the revolution, upon the personal orders of Ayatollah Khomeini.
Rosenberg published Holocaust Haggadah
Now that Hanukkah 2017/5778 is behind us, it’s only 100 days until Passover. Earlier this year Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg published “Rosenberg English Holocaust Haggadah For Passover: Holocaust Poems and Essays to Supplement the...
Visiting Ramallah
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children”; painted on a wall inside of the “Hostel in Ramallah.” (Lilia Gaufberg)
This past July, at the peak of another sweltering Israeli summer, I hopped onto...
Why is there no peace in the Middle East?
DR. MICHAEL Calvo’s new book is the first multimedia book to document and expose the terrorist and anti-Israeli Palestinian system and pattern of behavior. By multimedia, we mean that beyond reading, this book enables...
United Arab Emirates ger idag öppet till UNRWA-skolor i Gaza
UAE, United Arab Emirates, (Förenade Arabemiraten)ger idag öppet till UNRWA-skolor i Gaza, som är verksamma under Hamas fullständiga kontroll, tillhandahåller militär utbildning för UNRWA-studenter och har en läroplan som bygger på indoktrinering till jihad,...
PM Netanyahu Shows Piece of Wreckage of the Iranian UAV that was Shot Down...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the Munich Security Conference and a showed a piece of the wreckage of the Iranian UAV that was shot down by Israel on 10 February. (Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif...
The coming conflict between Iran and Israel
Last Friday night, the Iranian military crossed into Israel using a drone launched from a Syrian base. It’s not clear whether the UAV was armed or not, but it was likely a Saeqeh model based on designs reverse...