Daily Archives: August 24, 2018

Weekly Commentary: Breaking The Budget For Interceptors Can’t Offset “Quiet For Quiet” Gaza Missile...

Can Israeli taxpayers plunk down enough money on Iron Domes to offset the inevitable Gaza rocket building boom that will result from continuing "quiet for quiet"? Those interceptors were specifically cited in the publicly released...

Sfabrykowany kryzys humanitarny UNRWA

Przez ostatni miesiąc członkowie Podkomisji Izby Reprezentantów USA ds. Bliskiego Wschodu wyrażali niepokój, że pomoc humanitarna nie dociera do populacji palestyńskiej, szczególnie w Gazie. Center for Near East Policy Research (CFNEPR) skontaktował się z 44...

The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum Transparency Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congress has introduced a bipartisan bill to annually review whether educational resources used in Palestinian schools continue to encourage “violence or intolerance toward other nations or ethnic groups.” Background: http://israelbehindthenews.com/israel-jews-and-peace-in-the-new-pa-textbooks-used-in-unrwa-schools-today-final-study/16903/ The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum...

Left unchallenged this sickness is fatal

Any malady which is not seriously treated can soon develop into major life threatening diseases with fatal results…writes Michael Kuttner. As every doctor can testify early detection of symptoms increases the chances of successful treatment...