The ultimate tool against Palestinian propaganda, Hamas use of international media, UN and media lies against Israel. Not all Palestinians are terrorists, but most terrorists are connected one way or another to the so-called Palestinian cause. Journalists and reporters who take their side have blood on their hands!

Behind the smokescreeen ( Full movie ) from Pierre Rehov on Vimeo.


  1. The Israeli government must NEVER send our soldiers into this hornets nest on foot. Doing that would make them accomplices to murder. The only way to clean out this swamp is from the air or tanks across the border. NOT ONE more dead Israeli because of the ridiculous “purity of arms” nonsense. War is what it is – WAR.

  2. İsrail devleti bir terörist örgütten farksız davranıyor. Soykırım suçu işliyor. Çocuk kadın ayırt etmeden öldürüyor. Kara savaşından korkuyor. Tüm İsrail halkı 3 yaşını hayal edip, empati yapmalıdır. 3 yaşında ki bir çocuğun nasıl bir suçu olabilir.

  3. This is discusting and more so that the UN so called support of unwra. They have blood on their hands. How do they sleep at night. There are innocent people in Gaza but they are oppressed by hamas and the UN. THE FACT THE UN HAS NO DESIRE TO TRULY HELP THE PEOPLE EXCEPT ENCOURAGING KILKING JEWS TO GET A HOUSE AND BIG PAYOUT. . WHAT NEXT CHRISTIANS AND ANY WHO REFUSE allah. It’s DISCUSTING. SHAMEFUL TO SAY THE LEAST. ALL the people who allow this sick behaviour are evil and twisted.


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