Daily Archives: December 7, 2019

Israel Channel 11 weaves our footage into a news story about the resilience and...

Israel Channel 11 weaves our footage into a news story about the resilience and power of the right of return by force of arms theme of UNRWA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41dL23nX7b0 כאן חדשות | למי יש אינטרס להשאיר את...

Is it good for the Jews?

Thursday 12 December 2019 is crunch day for United Kingdom Jews. Whatever the results of the elections, on Friday 13th, the fallout and aftermath will not be good news. Like it or not the country’s...

Secrets of a Successful UNRWA Public Relations strategy

Secrets of a Successful UNRWA Public Relations strategy https://israelbehindthenews.com/unrwa-mandate-renewal-this-week-donors-can-request-reasonable-conditions/19278/ How do you reverse the press image of an agency ridden by terror and corruption? 1. Hire a New York PR firm https://unrwa-usa.squarespace.com/unrwa-usa-press-releases/2018/9/20/uz0d369i8winy2rmfzzaipzys5dj4c 2. Hire a team of oped writers...

Weekly Commentary: Israel Democracy Institute Fails To Advocate Democracy

One might think from its name that the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) seeks to promote democracy in the Jewish State. Instead they have been recently focusing their efforts to promote a profoundly anti-democratic change in...