Monthly Archives: June 2020

From Israel: Penetrating the Fog!!

There is fog on two continents, actually. And unless we penetrate it, we are not able to comprehend what is going on. Credit: flickr We begin with what is happening in the US. As an American...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks and Teachers’ Guides

Schoolbooks indicate the values a society would wish to instill in the minds of its younger generation. When published by the government – as the case is with the Palestinian Authority (PA), they indicate...

Background briefing papers on the proposed Palestine Liberation Organization State idea

Background briefing papers on the proposed Palestine Liberation Organization State idea Examining Text Books Handed to UNRWA by the Palestine liberation Organization | Israel Behind the News The Palestinian State Constitution | Israel Behind the News Book,...

Mientras más conozco el tema, mas me aterra. ¡Urge hacer algo. Ayúdanos!

Cada vez que hago una traducción sobre estos temas me da coraje. Para los que somos neófitos en el tema del conflicto árabe-israelí, hacer traducciones sobre lo que hace la UNRWA (Agencia de las Naciones...

Benaya – Song and Film

Benaya's Diary - יומנו של בניה In the malaise of the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Benaya Rhein, a young IDF soldier from the settlement of Karnei Shomron, tragically lost his life. Shortly after his...

Nie wieder! Deutschland zur Verantwortung ziehen!

Deutschland präsentiert sich als demokratische Macht und ist aktuell der führende Spenderstaat des Hilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen UNRWA, das die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge von 1948 und ihre Nachkommen betreut. Dennoch werden 54% des derzeitigen UNRWA-Budgets für...

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: May 31, 2020

Behind The Scene with David Bedein- May 31, 2020.