Monthly Archives: February 2021

European Parliament raises issue with UNRWA textbooks promoting hate

The European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee raised issue with the current teaching materials being circulated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to Palestinian youth, during a hearing with Special Adviser to...

A special Rabbi who died this week

A special Rabbi who died this week. I had the honor of a special relationship with Rav Dr. Avraham Twersky z"l , which intensified during the four special years that he was our neighbor in...

Alternative universe

“We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusions. The great task in life is to find reality.” This quote which I unearthed recently perfectly encapsulates the situation we currently find ourselves facing. As daily...

The U.N. Refugee Agency With Few Actual Refugees

Lost amid President Trump’s unceremonious send-off were a pair of Jan. 14 tweets from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Of the more than five million people identified as “Palestinian refugees” by the United Nations...

Le mari d’Esther Horgen hy »d interpelle le gouvernement français

Benjamin Horgen, le mari d’Esther Horgen hy »d poursuit son combat pour la justice et la morale. Après avoir demandé à la mairesse de Paris Anne Hidalgo de retirer la distinction honorifique qu’elle avait remise...

The vaccine blood libel

I wrote here last month about the vaccine libel, the falsehood being peddled that Israel was refusing to vaccinate the Palestinians living in the disputed “occupied” territories. I wrote that media outlets were persisting in...

Biden’s New Asst Sec of State Worked for Islamic Terror State That Funds Hamas

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism. “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Hady Amr wrote a...

The Cognitive Campaign: Strategic and Intelligence Perspectives

In the information era, the cognitive campaign has become a central element of national security in struggles between adversaries. This volume, published jointly by the Institute for the Research of the Methodology of Intelligence...

Antisemitism of UNRWA discussed in four languages

On January 26 and 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day,the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research conducted zoom seminars in Hebrew , English, German, and Swedish, on the subject: Should UNRWA donor nations stop support...

Loss of our ally in the Israel intelligence community

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Colonel (Ret.) Dr. Reuven Erlich on Friday, January 29, 2020.