Human Rights Watch could do with a new pair of glasses. The organization’s new report, “A Threshold Crossed — Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,” is blind to fact and reality. Every paragraph in the 213-page diatribe serves one goal: brand Israel as an apartheid state.

I left South Africa as a teenager in 1965 because of its policy of apartheid. I have openly and consistently criticized Israel’s settlement policies. And I am on the left of the Israeli political spectrum.

To me, this document cheapens and derides both the word “apartheid” and its legacy.

It is a disgrace to the memory of the millions who suffered under that policy in South Africa — including many anti-apartheid activists in the Jewish community, some close to me, who lost their freedom and were left shattered in consequence.

The argument of the Human Right Watch report is that, in the swath of land between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, “authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity” — actions “so severe they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

The report accuses Israel of racial discrimination and domination over all Palestinians, including those who live within Israel proper. It does draw distinctions between the state of affairs in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza to varying degrees, reserving its clearest conclusions about the crimes of apartheid for the areas beyond Israel’s 1948 borders, including East Jerusalem. But that distinction will be lost on most readers of the report or the headlines about it.

And the distinction is essential: there are huge variations in policy between sovereign Israel, where democracy reigns; the occupied West Bank, which remains under overall military rule; and Gaza, from where Israel fully withdrew its army and settlements in 2005, and where Hamas now holds power. But even with those distinctions included, the implication that Israel’s “racist policies” against the Palestinians should be examined through the same framework across the three territories is disingenuous.

The report reads as especially surprising now, as Mansour Abbas, leader of the United Arab List in the Knesset, holds Israel’s political future in his hands as a result of the March election. His voice is key in determining who will form the next governing coalition in Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right cohorts, or the anti-Netanyahu camp. Both groups are courting Abbas, hardly a sign of the kind of subjugation associated with apartheid.
The authors tie their claim that Israeli officials have committed the crime of apartheid to two international rulings: the 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which was written in 1998 and went into effect in 2002.

“Some have claimed that the current reality” in Israel “amounts to apartheid,” the report states. “Few, however, have conducted a detailed legal analysis based on the international crimes of apartheid or persecution.” That analysis is what this report claims to achieve. Really?

Justice Richard Goldstone, who was appointed to the Constitutional Court of South Africa by Nelson Mandela and played a critical role in that country’s transition to democracy, also served as the chief prosecutor of the United Nations International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, then led the United Nations Human Rights Council fact-finding mission to investigate human-rights and humanitarian-law violations in the 2009 war between Israel and Gaza militants.

“In Israel there is no apartheid,” Goldstone wrote in The New York Times in October, 2011. “Nothing there comes close to the definition of apartheid under the 1998 Rome Statute.”

In the West Bank, he conceded, the situation is more complex. But crucially, he wrote, there is no intent to maintain “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group.”

“The charge that Israel is an apartheid state is a false and malicious one that precludes, rather than promotes, peace and harmony,” Goldstone concluded.

Yes, he wrote those words 10 years ago, and much has changed in the past decade. But his perspective persists.

In October 2009, Robert Bernstein, the founder of Human Rights Watch and its chairman for 20 years, slammed the door on the organization for “issuing reports on the Arab-Israel conflict that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state.”

“We always recognized that open, democratic societies have faults and committed abuses,” he wrote that year in The Times. “But we saw that they have the ability to correct them through vigorous public debate, an adversarial press and many other mechanisms that encourage reform.”

That idea of a society attempting to improve itself is a uniquely apt one for Israel today, as much of the country fights to rid itself of the yoke of Netanyahu and his expansionist partners, stem the drift toward the unilateral annexation of the territories and continue to seek a solution to the conundrum posed by the Palestinian issue, albeit without a strong and unified partner present on the other side.

Last summer, I wrote in The Atlantic that if the threatened annexation of the West Bank became reality, it would be had for me to continue to make the case that Israel’s rule over the Palestinians was much different than the institutional racism I had left behind in South Africa. But that did not happen.

Ironically, much of the case Human Rights Watch lays out draws on the work of watchdog groups based in Israel, making the precise efforts toward reform that the report leaves no room to acknowledge. None of those groups — more than 40 in all — would have been able to function under a true apartheid regime. As I saw happen to the activists I knew in South Africa, under apartheid, those groups’ staff would instead be doing time behind bars without the benefit of a trial.

Human Rights Watch has long backed a boycott of Israel and Israeli goods to no real effect. It’s no surprise, with that history, that rather than address the facts in front of them, the group’s staff has chosen to produce a document that draws overly broad conclusions that match their pre-disposed view.

Maybe it is time for a watchdog to protect us all from the likes of Human Rights Watch.



    – Almost 6 Years before the six-day 1967 war, and almost 41 years before the anti terror fence erection.


    Haven’t found yet any so-called “free palestine” group which is not engaged in extreme diatribe and demonization of Israelis. But anti Jewish hatred masked as “anti Zionism” is rampant.

    When always loud ultra anti-Israel will begin to decry real racism and bigotry, you know, where there is no issue of defense and survival against Arab Islamic genocidal aims…. Especially speaking out on any Arab republic treatment of non-Arabs, or on any Islamic republic in treatment of non-Muslims… (including on those states, recipients of US aid, for those hiding under this masked excuse).

    Don’t expect any “ethnic cleansing” / “apartheid” outeage on Arab-Palestine punishing any Arab selling land to Jews, by death or/and by torture. (Search: punishment Arab selling land to Jews Palestinian ).

    Or the planned ‘Palestine’ state, whereby no Israeli civilian allowed to remain, according to “moderate” head of PA, M. Abbas (as reported in July 2013 by Reuters), and the wider explored Open Racism of the Future State of palestine Excerpt: ‘The Palestinian Authority is building a racist regime based on the principle of establishing an apartheid between a Palestine untainted by Jewish blood and a mixed State of Israel where the Jews would become a minority. In its refusal to recognize a Jewish state, there is, in fact, more then a rejection and denial of Jewish history and identity. One may well understand that this improper and exorbitant demand serves a politically correct fig leaf for its fundamental refusal to recognize the State of Israel. On this point, the PLO abandoned its bluff of a “Secular and Democratic Palestine,” which it had promoted in the decade between 1980 and 1990, except that the Palestinians now demand that this formula be imposed on Israel, as they would like it to be, while Palestine proper would be purely Arab. –
    State-sanctioned Racism and Segregation –
    Palestine proper would be, indeed, Arab and Islamic. That is written explicitly in the draft constitution of the planned state…’

    Even this slander, so dreadfully, promoter J Carter admitted (as also published in LATimes, Dec. 8, 2006) “The book is devoted to circumstances and events in Palestine and not in Israel, where democracy prevails and citizens live together and are legally guaranteed equal status.” He also (NPR and Brendeis, Jan.07) clarified that (even) he is sure it is NOT about racism.

    Yet, major promoters of the term are enthusiastic precisy by injecting race. Happy that J. Carter promoted the term to reinforce their defamation campaign.

    Well, asides from his admission, if not for the facts-less propaganda, it’d be needless to remind, Israeli Arabs and Palestinian Arabs are of the exact same “race”/color creed what have you. What differentiates them is the paper, citizenship and with it, if there are any Israelis’ legitimate security worries why use this slanderous language? Did he ever, if he claimed to be sincere (vis-a-vis this case), by the same token, define as such, denying Israeli passport holders -without security concerns- by most Islamic, most Arab countries? And we are talking about a total ban, not certain restrictions / at certain times.

    (BTW, unlike fake propagandists who prey on people especially of color, by racialising so unfairly. Most Israel is by in large ‘brown’. Just fun fact.)

    When even inside Gaza and Ramallah there will be some sliver of 1% equal to democratic Israel, such as (so far non existent) anti “Palestinian” movement and voices, the equivalent as Haaretz and its linked groups, and/or Soros’ linked NIF and Adalah… inside the free speech society – Israel so active. In other words, what happens to little Ahmed, even in “moderate” Ramallah if he dares, decries Arab Palestinian brutality?

    When was the last time, or ever, that the left inside Israel, obsessed with term “racism” all over the place even when not applicable, has called constant past/present Arab targeting exclusively Jewish civilians what it really is, RACIST Arab terror?
    It has been noted, that time and time again the apartheid-slur promoters prove they do not want real change. On the contrary, their goal is making Israel look bad, which can explain, as soon as, in 2020, some Arab countries made officially peaceful recognition with Israel and the lie of “racism” was exposed even further, desperate Hagai El-Ad of Betselem had to use the slur, which BDS-bigoted BDS, deported (from Israel), Omar Shakir, who cheered him in a tweet on April-26-2020, did so after him, year later, abusing HRW.

    Though, two rather very liberals, Daniel Kurtzer and Aaron David Miller wrote (05/04/21) in Newsweek against this HRW-Shakir “event”, and against use of this term as a whole and that it really is counter productive. First they denounce the language of so called “crimes” compared to real crimes against humanity. They add that Shakir makes it sound as if conditions are in a vacuum. Of course the constant anti Israel violence and real threats are real.

    But being counter productive doesn’t matter when thea goal is making Israel look bad.

    Haven’t found any evidence against the fact that the separation wall has prevented attacks against Israeli civilians… Nor have I seen much talked about the vast number of cases where Israeli courts routinely favor Arabs over Jews… or on the other hand – much mentioning of Arab Muslim countries mostly ethnic cleansed since 1948, yet, have seen plenty of those that repeat the apartheid slur invented some 6 years before the 1967 war which is called “occupation”.

    It was Ahmad Shukeiri (Shukairy, Shuqairy) who in WW2 (admittedly) prayed for Hitler’s victory; was Hitler’s ally Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-husseini’s aide and reportedly helped the Nazis, Hitler since 1941, and in 1946 rationalized the Nazi led murder of 6,000,000 Jews.
    It was this Shukeiri that invented the apartheid slur in 1961 at the UN while voicing opposition for Israel to try Eichmann.

    Had it not been for Nazis’ defeat and for apartheid condemned at UN, then hypocrite Shukairy would compare Israel to what? Yet, even through his war on Israel via this very language posing as supposed “anti racist” – he still saluted Nazi gang (Nov. 30.62).

    That pattern of hypocrisy of being pro Nazism on one hand, yet still attempting to equate Israel with it on the other hand, was paradoxically at play since the beginning.

    It also entails the opportunistic fake Pallywood early on, using Nazism as soon as it is shunned, only to defame Israel..

    As this Shukairy praised and saluted Nazi gang (subsequently causing his ending position at UN) , to quote from a report at the time, he ‘paradoxically charged Nazism and racism…’

    Shukairy’s rhetoric pattern actually followed the “pioneering” Issa Nakhle’s inventive vilifying fake terminology since June 17 1949, comparing and even worse than Nazis theme, who in 1972 showed more of his true colors by denying the Holocaust altogether.

    Speaking of fraudelant racialising Israel. That same Shukairy at least showed his real motive when in 1967 vowed to set up a “purely Arab government” in Palestine. Asides from all out genocidal intentions in declaring pre 1967 six-day war that non of the Jews will survive.

    There is absolutely not one other country, which has faced imminent annihilation and living in constant threat even within its borders precisely because it’s an open democratic society. While its population is mostly Jewish, it is regarded by Goliath Arab Muslim Middle East, as the ‘other’. Insert rather here all those terms: bigotry, racism, you name it. As it is applicable in the real sense, in this case vs that diatribe which is nothing but intended to demonize the pluralistic state.


    From Blog Eyes Opener.


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