The Palestinian Authority describes itself as “the State of Palestine” and considers itself a full state under foreign occupation the boundaries of which are not restricted to the 1967 lines. The name “the State of Palestine”, not “the Palestinian Authority”, appears on the cover of all schoolbooks. The example here – the cover of an Arabic language textbook for grade 8, part 1, published in 2020 – shows the PA emblem with the inscription underneath saying “the State of Palestine; Ministry of Education and Higher Education” (marked by a red circle on top right).


  1. If there is country called Palestine, then every time one of their citizens attack an Israeli, then that is a declaration of war which would permit Israel to respond military. Beware of what you wish for.

  2. Why not simply make them citizens of Israel. The IDF controls the West Bank, including shooting journalists like Shireen, who had both American and “Palestinian”, but not Israeli citizenship. As a practical matter, I’m sure that the natives would accept Israeli citizenship, certainly a more attractive situation than being “citizens” of a non-country under occupation by folks of a nation peopled by folks one or two generations from other continents (Europe, Africa, North America). On this side of the Atlantic, if you’re born here, you’re a citizen. This appears to prevent the “Old World” problems such as Jewish folks living for millenia in Eastern Europe, yet not being part of the nation. Tuesday, Josh Shapiro will be the 4th or 5th Governor of Pennsylvania, which has maybe 10% Jewish folks. To underline this, American Indians are not only the natives compared to the post-1948 immigrants like the Palestinians, but they are indigenous. My experience in the Army is that they can handle being both Americans and Navajos. Europeans like my grandparents were never here before,= but are nevertheless regarded by the local Narragansetts (I live in Rhode Island) as fellow Americans. I’m sure that both Christian (fewer every day) and Muslim (MORE EVERY DAY!!!) Arabic-language folks between the Jordan and the sea acknowledge that many of the folks in the Judean highlands 2000 years ago were Jewish. Most left, either voluntarily (Hellenistic in Asia Minor) or as refugees (the Roman-induced turmoil). Unlike the West, which says on its checks “void after 60 days”, the theory that victimization is an inheritable asset over 200 years and a couple of continents is the basis of Zionism. I think that the Arabs might accept that if you show some graciousness and make them citizens of the land they were born in (the Western Hemisphere standard),,

  3. If this is what they teach their children, it’s no wonder why they grow up to be terrorists committed to the obliteration of Israel and the extermination of Jews worldwide (Hamas Charter / PA Mission Statement + speeches by PA President Abbas and other PA secular leaders and Islamic Imams & scholars).

    The MSM are aware of this but choose to ignore it. As a result, most viewers / listeners / readers are probably unaware of this anti-Israel / antisemitic indoctoration. So it’s up to us to try and broaden awareness.

    Please read and then share with friends on social media and encourage them to do the same. Many thanks.

  4. Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews lived in harmony with the local Arab Christian and Muslim Palestinians, for hundreds of years until months before 1948 Ashkenazi generals declared all Arab children to be “ticking time bombs to be eliminated.“ The process of genocide was intentional, clearly stated, and implemented from before the founding of a self proclaimed nation state to this day. State were publicly proclaimed atheists, and now a majority of Israeli citizens recognize that this is the “theocracy” that is supplanting any semblance of democracy was never an authentic representation of Judaism.

  5. Every time a new schoolbook appears for the children in Gaza it should be openly published on news sites to see its content. Up until now it was worldwide known that UNWRA was involved in the terror. It is knows for decades that the textbooks are very antisemitic. Only when lies are visibly exposed to the world the world cannot look back. The minds of the people are full of darkness and lies. Only hard confrontation with the truth will perhaps help to realize the truth.

  6. It is sheer negligence and therefore stupidity that infects these anti-Israel protestors when they defend and promote Hamas. If any of the idiots were aware that 1) if they fit into any category of LGBTIQA+ …they’d be killed by Hamas /aka as Islam. 2) Husbands have the right to physically abuse wives. 3) Look up definition of Sharia Law. and then continue to promote Hamas. 4) Arab-Israeli wars fought between various Arab forces and Israel, most notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, and 2023–present. Israel always won. To the winner go the spoils. You lost..sour grapes to whine you want back what you lost. 5) Israel IS a democracy – Arabs live and work in Israel as do Druz, Christians, and ALL others with FULL rights. 6) Cross section of people in all levels of gov. and military.
    IDIOTS…wake up – become knowledgeable and choose your sides wisely!!!!!




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