Language from the House Appropriations Bill.
Page 63:
United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).—Pursuant to section 7048(d), funds appropriated under this heading shall be made available to UNRWA unless the Secretary of State determines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that UNRWA is violating certain policies related to neutrality, impartiality, prohibiting weapons in their facilities, regular inspections, educational materials, financial transparency, and auditing practices.
Page 63 and 64:
United Nations Relief and Works Agency.—Not later than 90 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the degree to which UNRWA is complying with the policies and procedures described in section 7048(d) and the areas in which the Department is partnering with the Agency on new guidelines or reform efforts. Such report shall include an updated description of the mechanisms UNRWA has in place to identify incitement and other unacceptable subject matters, including anti-Semitic content, in locally-produced textbooks and the procedures in place to substitute such material with curriculum that emphasizes the importance of human rights, tolerance, and non-discrimination.
Page 127 (Under Title VII – General Provisions):
Section 7048 (United Nations) This section includes language modified from the prior year relating to conditions on funds for the UN and other international organizations.
This language refers back to Section 7048 language in previous Appropriations legislation regarding conditions for UNRWA and other UN programs assisted by the U.S. The Appropriations legislation 2 or 3 years ago had a complete layout of Section 7048 as there are 4 or 5 subsections including 7048(d) which is the reference specific to UNRWA funding for educational materials and is the portion the Report language above refers to.