1. What do you hope for from the federal election and the new federal government in Germany?

I expect and hope that the German federal government will rethink its aid to the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA. Although the PA and UNRWA appear to be providing humanitarian aid, these funds are being used to support terrorist organizations and terrorist infrastructure.

2. Regarding the German support for UNRWA: Why is civic engagement important and what can be done specifically?

It is important to give people an avenue to express their facts as well as indignation.

Anyone can join our efforts. There is much to do. On the one hand, the German citizens can support us financially in our project. You can help us reveal the truth about UNRWA. We are currently seeking support for a documentary about UNRWA culture, which fosters violence against Jews, i.e .: theater, youth centers, paintings, school competitions and art projects.

Furthermore, we provide material that has been developed by our staff with careful research. In addition to our broad and multilingual educational work, we address our issue to the media and to political decision-makers.

In Germany, discussions must take place again – especially in the private sector. It is important that voices are heard and opinions are expressed; especially when German tax money supports organizations that support and finance terrorist organizations.

Get together, discuss and research! You can contact us at any time if you have questions. We are happy to work with any organization. We offer our materials without a fee, which have been translated from Arabic by top Middle East experts.

There is a unique challenge here: Germany is the first country to appoint a federal commissioner for the fight against anti-Semitism. Germany is therefore particularly careful not to make any statements against Jews or Jewish life in Germany.

However, the German federal government is not ready to curtail German government funds being used for anti-Semitic purposes outside of Germany. This phenomenon is being overlooked. German aid funds that are being sent abroad are currently not monitored.

At a summer camp this August in Gaza, 30.000 UNRWA students from age 9, were trained to use weapons against Jews.

Our goal is to persuade German citizens to watch fellow taxpayers’ money, to make sure that it is not being used to promote terrorism. We hope that we will wake people up and help them see reality.

A new beginning can be made with Germany by sending letters and emails to the government, i.e. to the Bundestag and its committees, to members of parliament and ministries that are active in the decision-making process.

3. Please tell us about your experience so far.

Americans changed direction after we confronted them with reality.

(Background: The US was the largest UNRWA donor until 2018. After facilitating many years of informal briefings for staffers of the US Congress, the US stopped its payments to UNRWA in August 2018. This year they resumed support, but with specific requirements and conditions attached to the funding to UNRWA.)

What we achieved in the US, can be realized in Germany. Another great achievement, which we were directly involved with was the UAE decision to change its positions over the past year towards UNRWA, to reduce funding from 50 million dollars to 1 million dollars

4. Do you have some motivating words for German citizens who do not want their tax money to promote terrorism?

We can show achievements with Canada, the US and other policy makers in the European Parliament. A democracy works when a few people choose to take action to make a change happen.

Now, for an anecdote:
We have asked a colleague who is now retiring from his civil service position in the US Congress: How does it really work here? He replied, “If we receive 10 letters with the same concern, we’d better have a political session about it.”

We have heard similar accounts from parliamentarians in Sweden, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. They all responded in a similar way – citizens who target politicians in a focused manner, can have great influence.

Please send letters of concern to the Bundestag over German funding of organizations at war with Israel. We can accomplish something together.


  1. As the interview with David Bedein explains, supporting with money terrorism and terrorist ideals and educating children to perform terrorism, are hard core no nos. But freedom to support such evils is allowed. It is rather shocking that liberals and freedom fighters are promoting evil. It must be evil gets exposed without calling renaming it freedom or rights. Hopefully evil will be exposed and terror and financing it in Germany and Iran etc will melt into thin air! David Bedein must get funded for his film and other programs to expose the terrorists and its backers!!!and the decades of money for terror against Jews and Israel.


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