Operating within a resource-constrained environment, and reliant on voluntary funding, UNRWA allocates its limited resources among the services we provide to Palestine refugees, prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable.
The UNRWA budget structure reflects the Medium Term Strategy for 2016–2021, which is based on the strategic human development priorities that UNRWA strives to achieve. Over half* of the 2020 Programme Budget of US$ 806 million is earmarked for education under the priority that ‘school-aged children complete quality, equitable and inclusive basic education’, while 15 per cent* is dedicated to ensuring that ‘refugees’ health is protected and the disease burden is reduced’.
*Figures based on the Agency 2020 budget.
UNRWA also provides emergency assistance to refugees affected by conflict in the Agency’s areas of operations. Emergency operations have been conducted in the West Bank and Gaza since the outbreak of the second intifada in 2000, and in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan since June 2012 as part of the Syria Regional Humanitarian Response Plan.