This movie portrays Israel’s war of Independence like no other movie
Produced in 1953 by Jack Padwa, then a Tel Aviv businessman. Won the Cannes Film Festival award in 1955,
Full disclosure. Jack Padwa , who died in 2010 at the age of 94,. acted as a mentor to yours truly,
Why did Jack produce the movie?
Jack told to me that David Ben Gurion, israel’s first prime minister met with Jack Padwar in 1950,
As a British citizen who had arrived in Palestine in 1940. Jack Padwa joined the underground war to overthrow the British mandate in Palestine and managed to infiltrate British intelligence,
However, Ben Gurion confided in Jack Padwa that his 1950 visit in the US had been a disaster, and that few people understood what the nascent state of israel was all about
Jack Padwa turned to Ben Gurion and said that “What you need is a book and a movie”:
With the backing of David Ben Gurion, Jack Padwa brought writer Leon Uris to Israel, who wrote the book Exodus.
And with the backing of David Ben Gurion, Jack Padwa produced HILL 24 DOES NOT ANSWER
At time when the debate rages as to help present Israel in the public domain, please watch this film
Respectfully Posted by David Bedein