Nov. 14, 2022

The working assumption of US Middle East Policy is to foster mutual recognition between Israel and the nascent PA entity

That is not what we witness in the implementation of US policy on the ground in the Middle East, 2022.

  1. The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by  the US to fight Arab terrorists, instead carry out daily attacks , fostered by a PSF  unit, The Al Aqsa Brigades
  2. The Palestinian Authority has enacted unprecedented legislation to provide a salary for life for anyone who murders a Jew.

Asked  US Ambassador Nides if the  US government would demand that the PA repeal its law which provides a salary for life for anyone who murders a Jew, which functions as an incentive to kill Jews.  Answer:  “no”  

  1. The Palestinian Authority Education Ministry has fostered  new curricula which indoctrinates children to make war on the Jews. US ambassador Nides if he would demand that that the PA drop their  curriculum. Answer: No. 

Asked  if US would  ask the PA to remove the PA textbook from 2018 which displays Dalal Al Mugrabi, who murdered 35 Jews, including 12 children, as a role model for the next generation.  Response: No.

  1. UNRWA allocates a $1.6 billion budget to service 6.7 million descendants of Arab refugees in 59 “temporary” refugee camps, while inculcating  “right of return” to villages which existed before 1948… Asked US ambassador Nides if the US  government  US favors a change in UNRWA policy.  Response: No


  1. Meanwhile, PA texts used by UNRWA now distribute 120 new maps which replace all Jewish cities with Arabic names –on both sides of the 1967 line- a new form of Judenrein  The government of the US could ask UNRWA to use standard maps in schools which run under the auspices of the UN to depict geographic details of each UN member state, including Israel. 

Asked Ambassador Nides if the US will make any such demand. The answer : no.


  1. I just learned of this comment space….so, I guess Inwill comment here as well:
    Wait a minute. Hold on. What is all the hullabaloo about? Has something unusual transpired?? Has the moon fallen out of the sky??? Does rain now fall up??? No?

    NO! There is nothing new under the sun. “Things”, as often is the case – remain status quo.

    And, what is a sad commentary on America’s “status quo”, is America’s long standing severe case of Double speak.

    America, on the whole, says it stands for its commitment to democracy, economic prosperity, and regional security. SECURITY?? America is committed to security? Hers!!

    Ohhh, it was for that intrinsic value that the US assassinated Qasem Soleimani!!! U.S. officials JUSTIFIED the Soleimani strike saying it was necessary to stop an “imminent attack”, using the legal justification “in response to an escalating series of attacks…to protect United States personnel. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests…….. OHhh, So America has authority and the right to protect HER citizens…………….

    America talking out of both sides of her proverbial mouth, reprimanding another democratic government, an “ally”, a “friend” for reacting to violence, murder and mayhem, by enemies of that state.

    Israel, RETALIATING against murder, violence, and missile attacks by admitted enemies has been downplayed by America….as she plays both sides against the middle.

    Israel – an island of democracy amidst a sea of violent ideologists, is a great partner to the United States, and Israel has no greater friend than the United States. (Well, define friend…) America has the right to defend her people, but ACCORDING to America, Israel does not have that right.

    Yes, Americans and Israelis are united by our shared unbreakable bond between our two countries. However, in a Nov 20, 22 government news release “The United States is deeply concerned by the increased violence in the West Bank. “We strongly condemn today’s terrorist attack, which killed three Israelis and wounded three others. The recent period has seen a sharp and alarming increase in Palestinian and Israeli deaths and injuries, including numerous children. It is vital that the parties take urgent action to prevent further loss of life”.


    It is the Islamist organizations – Islamic State, but especially Hezbollah and Hamas who proudly ADMIT, PROMOTE and ATTEMPT to kill and destroy Israel…

    Israel has no such policy against the Palestinians and has made numerous attempts to appease the Palestinians…even giving Gaza to them…and the world sees what has become of Gaza… an economically failing, high unemployment wasteland with missiles pointed and easily fired at Israelis – with no compunction to do so!

    So, that telling statement by the U.S.: “the PARTIES take urgent action to prevent further loss of life”. THE “PARTIES”???

    An offensive interloper is NOT equivalent to a defensive response.

    A quote often attributed to the United States “give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.” Apparently only applies to America…not her friends. Rule of law matters – only sometimes -when it’s America but not for her beloved friend Israel.

    Regional dictators, terrorists and despots are advancing their illegitimate agenda and feel supremely sanctioned when they flaunt paying terrorists to murder innocent Israelis, teach terrorism in their school books, and train children to handle weapons….and AMERICA IS SILENT – and therefore complicit when inferring, THE PARTIES – to mean Israel needs to make peace…..???.

    Americas’ SILENCE infers she is NOT standing up for her ally. Americas’ SILENCE more than infers she is NOT opposed to the claims of the goal towards the total annihilation of Israel. A true friend steps up and defends her friend who is being attacked, threatened and fired upon!!.

    It is by Americas duplicitous, hypocritical, disingenuous, two-faced, and double dealing that contributes to and is greatly responsible for – giving a green light to the Palestinians to carryout their terrorism, without such as a word from our President or media.

    Americas’ SILENCE infers she is NOT a true friend…fair weather, maybe. A real friend would not play both sides against the middle.

    These actions, or lack thereof, directly give terrorists a free hand while tying the hands of Israel.

    America is not living up to her own self-professed values.

    Apparently the working assumption of US Middle East Policy is to foster mutual recognition between Israel and the nascent PA entity by coming down hard on Israel…and ignoring the terrorists threats of annihilation (from the river to the sea), missile attacks, violent text books, and financially rewarding murderers

    America – a true friend of Israel??? Maybe – Maybe not.


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