Only those who are genetically biased or living in la la land could fail to discern the predictable preordained script which has unfolded this Pesach.

The fact that so many have expressed shock, surprise and bewilderment at the acts of terror committed against Israeli citizens and tourists alike proves that, indeed, there are still individuals who are totally detached from reality.

It is not just deluded members of the international community who fall into this category but, unfortunately, also our own homegrown variety of self-loathers and post-Zionist bashers. Needless to say, the usual media outlets have had a field day in disseminating one-sided and mangled headlines and reports, many of them taking their lead from our breast-beating extreme leftist sources.

I started writing these lines as two young women from my hometown were being buried, and their mother was fighting for her life in hospital. Tragically, she subsequently died the day after her daughters’ funeral. They were gunned down as they travelled north to celebrate Pesach with friends. Unfortunately, they have not been the only casualties of murderous Islamic terror during this Festival period.

I predicted that Ramadan would generate the usual outburst of violence and mayhem, and so it has proven to be. The amazing reaction of far too many who seem shell-shocked at the terror spree attests to a worrying ignorance and deliberate embrace of a policy of appeasement and victim blaming.

The time has finally arrived, in fact, it is long overdue when duplicitous, politically correct responses need to be vigorously countered. Mealy-mouthed expressions of hypocrisy should be shot down and exposed for the garbage they represent. For far too long, we have been forced to suffer an unremitting stream of double standards because exposing them might upset diplomatic niceties and ruffle sensitive feathers.

Ignoramuses of history think that the Temple Mount (Har Habayit) only became controversial after 1967. The same critics, either through gross ignorance or deliberate bias, completely wipe out the fact that the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan illegally occupied the Old City of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967, ethnically cleansed the city of Jews, destroyed synagogues, desecrated the Mount of Olives Cemetery and banned Jews from visiting the Kotel. Standard fare since at least the 1920s and swept under the carpet is the stark reality that Jews were accused of plotting to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque.

It is important to emphasise these facts. In the current stampede to suppress inconvenient truths, appease liars and be seduced by biased media reporting, events are deliberately distorted.

Nothing illustrates this better than the current reactions to Islamic riots and terror on the Temple Mount, and murderous acts against Israeli and foreign civilians.

Deliberately missing from the vast majority of foreign news reports were the indisputable preparations made by Islamic terrorists to cause mayhem. Barricading themselves inside the Mosque and stockpiling rocks, explosives and other offensive weapons, these so-called worshippers had no compunction in desecrating a place they claim is holy. Their intentions were to assault Jewish worshippers in the Kotel plaza below the Mosque and perpetrate terror acts.

Why would the media and apologists for Islamic terror omit these important facts?

The answer, of course, is very simple. It is much easier to accuse the Israeli authorities of desecrating the Mosque and “storming” it, thus portraying Israel as the guilty party, a destroyer of religious freedom and, therefore, a pariah worthy of international condemnation.

The agenda is very transparent. The same reactions are manifest in response to the current wave of terror.

Take note of the horrendous slanders issued forth from Islamic countries supposedly “at peace” with Israel and touted as “moderates.”

Then, turn your attention to the nonsense flowing from the mouths of so-called “friendly” nations whose expressions of fake sympathy reveal an abysmal attitude to reality.

Finally, listen in vain for human rights groups and their fellow travellers to pipe up and condemn the terrorists. They are too busy prosecuting Israel at the ICC for supposed “war crimes” while their chee leaders at the UN are convening yet another emergency session to pillory Israel.

Here are just a few examples of the above scenarios as they occurred over the last few days.

  • US Democrat representatives announce that they will discuss with the Biden Administration “how to hold Israel accountable.”
  • The puffed-up “guardian” of religious freedom, Abdullah of Jordan, declared that “Muslims have a duty to deter Israeli escalation in Jerusalem.” In case this message was not clear enough, Jordanian statements subsequently claimed that “Israel fabricates Islamic violence.” Presumably, this then excuses each and every outrage perpetrated by the terrorists.

Not to be outdone, the leader of Turkey proclaimed that “the Muslim world must unite against Israel.”

  • The Washington Post explains “that Israeli raids on the Al Aqsa Mosque are stoking tensions.” This theme is gleefully lapped up by other media outlets and politicians alike.
  • As noted by media watch group “CAMERA”, CNN reported the murder of Rebbitzen Dee and her two daughters as follows:

 “A shooting incident in which a car received a bullet shot”, and the family was killed in the “crash.”  In actual fact the terrorists exited their car and deliberately shot them to make sure that they were dead.

  • So-called “peace partners”, at the behest of the terror-sponsoring PA, demand emergency sessions of the UN Security Council in order to condemn Israel for multitudes of crimes. This month’s President of the Council is Russia, which of course, is a squeaky-clean human rights paragon of virtue.
  • The UN Human Rights Council spokespersons declare that “Israel does NOT have the right to self-defence against Palestinians.”
  • The international response is epitomised by the statement of Penny Wong, the Foreign Minister of Australia. Her statement included these priceless pearls of wisdom. “Australia calls on ALL parties to respect and protect the sanctity and status of Jerusalem’s holy sites. Violence at the Al Aqsa Mosque, including against worshippers, is reprehensible. Security operations must be proportionate and in accordance with international law. Leaders need to work together to foster conditions necessary for tolerance and peace.”

Note the moral equivalency between the terror perpetrators and the intended victims. Note the heavy handed hint that Israel’s responses are disproportionate and not in accordance with so-called international law. Note also that there is no mention of terror intentions against JEWISH worshippers.

The greatest omission, and one which all pontificators have in common, is complete silence about the PA paying terrorists and their families for each and every Israeli murdered. The stunning silence on this scandalous situation encapsulates the hypocrisy and double standards running rampant through the foreign ministries of so-called “friends” and foes alike.

Israel’s Foreign Minister said that he expects the international community to unequivocally condemn those responsible for firing rockets at Israeli communities and groups which carry out terror. Based on past and current performances, this request is a useless and futile exercise.

You would think that there might be some consensus on the part of Israelis and Jews when it comes to terror and terrorists. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There is at least one leftist group (Hamoked) that provides legal aid to PA terrorists. Unsurprisingly it is funded by Norway, Spain, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Finland, Switzerland, the EU, the UN, the Ford Foundation and the New Israel Fund.

For far too long, we have been shockingly silent and diplomatically discreet as the tsunami of lunacy gathers pace.

In the face of increasing acts of terror against Diaspora Jews and Israelis, our own Government and Jewish leadership worldwide need to speak out forcefully and without fear or favour.

Religious and lay leaders need to abandon their parev and politically correct responses and instead expose once and for all time the inconvenient facts. Drag these truths from under the carpets where they have been swept and be unafraid to confront those who burble lies and untruths.

This might cause waves, especially among those who, up until now, have never been meaningfully challenged.

The time to do so is now and not when it is too late. We should have learnt the lessons of history a long time ago.

Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who, for many years, was actively involved with various community organisations connected to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel and is J-Wire’s correspondent in the region.


  1. In fact there was quiet between Muslims and Jews in this area from 1838 through 1920. This peace continued during the period following the Tanzimat reforms when Jews were once again allowed to own property and starting in the 1860s began buying land and building new communities and through the 1890s when the Zionist movement was formed (following the Dreyfus affair). The 1920 Nebi Samuel Riots were sparked when Husseini came up with this “attacking al-Aqsa” story, for which he was convicted in court, but then instead of imprisoning him the British rewarded him by giving him their newly created title of “Grand Mufti of Jerusalem”. A century of hatred and terrorism was born then and has continued with that same stupid lie.


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