5 July 2023

“I could have easily used disproportionate force and filled the ER at
Ichilov [Medical Center] at the end of every demonstration in Tel Aviv. We
could have cleared Ayalon [Highway] within minutes at the terrible cost of
cracking heads and breaking bones, at the cost of breaking the pact between
police and the citizenry…as a commander I taught generations of policemen
to recognize the limits of force, to safeguard our contract with the public…
Unfortunately, for the first time in my three decades of service, I was met
with the bizarre reality that calm and order are not the desired goal, but
rather the opposite is.”

Tel Aviv police chief Amichai Eshed announcing his resignation

Amichai Eshed asserts that the choice was between:

Option #1: Allowing Kaplan dictators to block roads – thus violating his
“contract with the public” to assure that REST OF THE PUBLIC the freedom of
movement which is recognized as a BASIC RIGHT in Article 13 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of
movement” .


Option #2: Cracking heads and breaking bones

Amichai Eshed is CLUELESS.

There was ALWAYS another option:  ENFORCING THE LAW.

regardless of the time that it takes.

Let every Kaplan dictator burn hours or even days being processed before
being released.

Let every Kaplan dictator find themselves spending a lot of time within the
court system.

And let every Kaplan dictator who did enough to spend time in jail instead
of just face a fine spend time in jail.

Let us be clear what has happened after the police allowed the Kaplan
dictators invade Terminal 3 and effectively close off Ben Gurion Airport:

The Kaplan dictators have tasted blood and they like it.

I have spoken with Kaplan dictators today to see if there are any red lines.

So I asked if they can invade a hospital emergency room with their protest.

“Why not” was the response.

I asked one if it would be ok to hold a protest in front of a fire house so
that the fire trucks can’t get out.


Good Israelis have now been brainwashed by the favorable media coverage to
accept the behavior of the Kaplan dictators.

And unfortunately, a lot of people are silent.

Naftali Bennett, for example, was busy patting himself on the back on
Twitter for his BBC interview today but never found the time to write even a
sentence against the actions of the Kaplan dictators.  It doesn’t matter if
he has some poll that shows he would lose some supporters in the next
elections if he opened his mouth against road blockers and airport invaders.
The true test of leadership is when you do the right thing simply because it’s
the right thing.

Bennett’s not alone.  There are all kinds of public leaders who remain
silent.  Including of course President Herzog.

And of course – Prime Minister Netanyahu has declined to take a strong
public stand for the police to finally do their job in dealing with the
Kaplan dictators.

We cannot afford for this leadership void to continue.