Our center made a major presentation this week for three senior government officials from Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs. 

David Bedein , our director, brought in four researchers who have spent their careers studying different aspects of the strategic threat posed by UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). 

UNRWA oversees 59 refugee camps that comprise more than five million descendants of Arab refugees who were relocated by the 1948 war. 

These people’s families have educated the next generation to blindly believe in a sacred “right of return” by force of arms to the very homes which they left back in ’48, homes that no longer exist, in villages that have since grown into Israeli cities, farms and woodlands. 

After the experts had their say, the government officials listaened to passionate words of Rabbi Leo Dee a British-born veteran of Israel peace advocacy, who in his work have nurtured years of dialogue with Arabs. 

The current perspective of Rabbi Dee is unique. Three “graduates” of the UNRWA educational system living in the UNRWA Askar refugee camp near Nablus murdered his wife Lucy and two daughters, Rina and Maia, in a drive by shooting on April 7, 2023- barely six months ago

At the funeral, Rabbi Dee asked aloud what would motivate three young people to conduct such a vile act of murder. 


Rabbi Dee heard from generals and policy-makers that it was the fault of Iran which had dispatched killers to murder Jews at random. 

However, Rabbi Dee wondered as he buried his beloved family members as to what was going on in the minds of these killers when they opened fire on his loved ones.

So we dispatched an Arab TV crew to find out. What Rabbi Dee was shocked to discover was the candor with which the families of the killers spoke , as they spoke with calm but obvious pride in the willingness of their sons’ to murder Jews in order to achieve the right of return to villages that no longer exist. 

We next dispatched our TV crews to film UNRWA summer camps, camps that were devoted to perpetuating a hero’s worship of the youthful Arabs who murdered the Dee family. https://vimeo.com/856467890

After all, the right of return by force of arms represents the theme of UNRWA “education.” 

So far, no media outlet in Israel or abroad has seen fit to publicize the message that UNRWA and the PA praise the cold-blooded murder of the family of Rabbi Dee. 

For that reason, we are making special presentations of that movie at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center on Oct. 8th and 9th. In English and Hebrew, respectively. https://israelbehindthenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/unrwa.pdf

The conclusion: in order to achieve peace in the next generation, Israel will have to introduce a new policy of “Denazification” to cope with the lethal consequences of a PLO lethal curriculum that was introduced to a whole new generation on August 1, 2000.