David Bedein
Mission Impossible? Asking US: Include education in peace process
In two weeks' time, a new US administration will enter office.
That new American government is committed to creating a PLO state, under the slogan...
What does Biden owe his Jewish supporters?
The election of a new president of the US, Joe Biden, occurred with widespread Jewish support in several swing states. The time has come...
Israel & UAE work together against UNRWA?
Writing from the perspective of a journalist who has provided intense coverage of UNRWA since 1987, there are at least two reasons to question...
Backgrounders: The UAE- UNRWA connection
Backgrounders: The UAE- UNRWA connection:
Canada aids UNRWA again. Will UNRWA be held accountable to Ottawa
Canada has announced a $70 million grant to UNRWA . Canada had cut off aid to the UNRWA general fund in 2010 after Hamas...
A war against the Jews is now being played out, . the first death,in...
'The Mental Preparation for Disengagement' & its Aftermath in the Israel Defense Forces - Israel Behind the News
‘The Mental Preparation for Disengagement’ & its...
Policy question
Following the shock of the murder of a young woman jogger, as reported in the JPOST, on December 21, 2020 https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/woman-in-her-50s-found-dead-in-shaked-forest-in-the-west-bank-652765,
the missing context of this...
David and Sara Bedein and our grandchildren wish you well for a Happy Chanukah...
David and Sara Bedein and our grandchildren wish you well for a Happy Chanukah and Holiday season.
No change in Norwegian allocations to the PLO/PA education
The widespread news report this week that the Norwegian Parliament took action against PA education did not report the full context...
Responding to “Israel can’t contain Iran alone. It doesn’t have to”, by Daniel Shapiro
December 9, 2020
Washington Post
Responding to "Israel can’t contain Iran alone. It doesn’t have to", by Daniel Shapiro
Dear Editor,
In his oped, https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/12/05/iran-israel-trump-biden-nuclear-deal/ published on December...