David Bedein
Biden made a clear threat against Israel , and has issued no retraction
In May, Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden threatened Israel.
And he never withdrew the threat.
See: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/joe-biden-says-he-would-restore-us-aid-palestinians.
One threat was to renew funds to UNRWA, despite UNRWA...
Feeding the Hand that Bleeds us
The Jerusalem Post ran an editorial on October 21, 2020 “Erekat’s Hadassah care must be top priority for Israel: Treating chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb...
Forgotten: Touted Abbas Successor Wanted for Murder
JPOST describes Mohammed Dahlan as the next possible head of the Palestinian Authority.
"Is Mohammed Dahlan the next Palestinian president in waiting? With Palestinians potentially...
Fråga den nya UNRWA-KOMMISSIONEN: Var har allt mjöl tagit vägen?
Under tiden som vi har forskat och rapporterat om UNRWA sedan 1987 är det igen dags att uttrycka oro angående situationen i UNRWA och...
World Jewish Congress: Questions Not Answered
The Palestinian Authority has confirmed the Jerusalem Post news story (“World Jewish Congress president meets with Palestinian President” (JPost.com, October 11) about the meeting...
Forgetting a man wanted for murder
Concerning the JPOST piece which describes Mohammed Dahlan as the next possible head of the PA
"Is Mohammed Dahlan the next Palestinian president in waiting?With...
Ask new UNRWA COMMISSIONER: Where has all the flour gone?
As a social work professional who has researched and reported on UNRWA since 1987, the time has come to express concern that the new...
Indoctrination of PA and UNRWA Education Ignored by Intelligence
Full disclosure: I run an agency which engages experts to provide research for more than 20 years on the schools, and texts of the...
Why the UAE accord was unprecedented
For more than seventy years, Arab regimes communicated a message of belligerency towards Israel, teaching the next generation to war on the Jewish state.
In the spirit of Yom Kippur, perhaps Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s admirers will consider...
At her passing, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was touted as a civil rights legend, and a defender of constitutional liberties.
However, the case...