Michael Kuttner
Definition: Someone lacking moral principles. Synonyms: Dishonest, corrupt, immoral, unscrupulous, devious, unethical, deceitful, underhand, dishonourable.
Take your pick and apply it to any number of...
Double cross
Perfectly timed for the commencement of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), the heads of the United Kingdom Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches revealed their...
A nechtiker tog
This exquisite Yiddish expression loosely translated means “whom are you trying to fool?”
After two thousand years of being abused, kicked around, targeted, slandered and accused...
Use by date expires
When use by dates expire for food and medicine, we dispose of the remaining items to avoid being either poisoned or adversely affected.
Watching and...
Pray for peace – prepare for action
Peace is always at the forefront of our prayers, but at the same time, most of us should have learnt from bitter past experience...
Changing of the guard
In the words of A.A. Milne, “they are changing the guards at Buckingham Palace.”
With the death of Queen Elizabeth, the expression “passing of an...
Running for cover
Pick one of these definitions, and you will have a perfect explanation of current developments.
“Attempt to guard yourself from a bad situation or from...
Between the lines
The definition of reading between the lines is “to understand what someone really means or what is really happening in a situation, even though...
Blowin’ in the wind
Readers of a certain vintage will remember this popular song released in 1963 and top of the hit parade for some time.
One definition I...
We are currently in what is commonly referred to as “the nine days” leading up to 9 Av – the Fast of Tisha B’Av.