​Center for Near East Policy Research

7847 POSTS

Declassified US document: PA schools teaching hate

A declassified document from the United States Government Accountability Office says that schools in Palestinian Authority areas run by UNWRA have an anti-Israel bias,...

UNRWA GAO Declassification Report

WEST BANK AND GAZA State Has Taken Actions to Address Potentially Problematic Textbook Content but Should Improve Its Reporting to Congress Click here to read...

Palestinian Authority Teachers’ Guides: Examples of Conflict-Related Indoctrination

(January 2019) Indoctrination in a Nutshell for Grade-2 Students: "Preparation: The Teacher will tell a short story about our homeland, Palestine: 'My grandfather used to...

מדריכי מורים של הרשות הפלסטינית: דוגמאות לאינדוקטרינציה בהקשר הסכסוך

(ינואר 2019) אינדוקטרינציה של הסכסוך בשלושה משפטים לתלמידי כתה ב': "הכנה: המורה יספר סיפור קצר על מולדתנו, פלסטין: 'סבי היה חי בכפר יפה ב חיפה....

When It Comes to UNRWA, Are the UN’s Holocaust Memorial Pledges Meaningless?

January 28, 2019, marked the beginning of Holocaust Remembrance week at the United Nations. Speakers at the UN Holocaust Memorial Ceremony — “Holocaust Remembrance:...

Palestinian Violence and Terrorism Against Israel, 2018 Data, Nature and Trends

The ITIC's annual study indicates that in 2018 there were two main trends prominent in Palestinian violence and terrorism: in the Gaza Strip there...

Grupp varnar för anti-Israeliska uppvigling i Jerusalem UNRWA: s skolor

Palestinska demonstranter viftar sin nationella flagga framför ett tillverkat jätte flyktingkort under protester mot det amerikanska beslutet att minska FNs-bidrag till palestinierna i Västbankens...

Foreign Actors In Eastern Jerusalem: A Challenge to Israeli Sovereignty in its Capital

“Foreigners are possessing our inheritance” (Lamentations 5:2) Background Foreign actors have stepped-up their subversion of Israeli sovereignty in eastern Jerusalem. This includes covert and overt activities, both...