​Center for Near East Policy Research

7847 POSTS

Breaking news: Israeli intelligence publishes CFNEPR report on PA/UNRWA education

The Israeli intelligence think tank, known as the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has published the newest comprehensive report on the latest...

Palestinian Authority textbooks: the attitude to Jews, Israel and peace (Update, June 2018)

Right: Representing the Western Wall (al-Buraq Wall) as sacred exclusively to Muslims: “…the al-Buraq Wall is part of the western wall of al-Aqsa mosque...

Hamas’s military wing wants war – ynetnews

Hamas's military wing likely wants war. To the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, only another round of fighting in Gaza—in the form of another big...

David Bedein On the Eicha-UNRWA Connection

David Bedein, Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research

‘How shall we kill an Israeli?’

Neda Amin is an Iranian journalist who was deported from Turkey and . She is employed in the Iranian Department at ​Israel Resource News Agency...

From Israel: Intolerable!

It’s enough when our enemies are difficult to deal with. But deal with them we can, if we are resolute and clear-eyed. If we...

Debunking 25 left-wing and Arab myths from a left-wing Arab perspective

Left-wing and Arab enemies of Israel make a number of accusations that they repeat as if they were facts. Here I take apart those...

IDF: Hamas Plans to Strike Israel with Exploding Drones

As Israel moves more Iron Dome anti-missile batteries to its border with Gaza, Hamas terrorists are moving forward with plans to spread their arson-by-air attacks...

Farrakhan’s Bigotry Finds Traction Among Progressives and Alt Right

Louis Farrakhan, octogenarian leader of the unIslamic, anti-white Nation of Islam, has been active ever since the 1960s sowing the seeds of racism, anti-Semitism,...

Sponsorer önskas för att hjälpa oss undersöka och presentera årets nya palestinska läroböcker.

Den här månaden (juli 2018) publicerar den palestinska myndigheten 30 nya skolböcker för att undervisa 11: e och 12: e klass elever i PA,...