​Center for Near East Policy Research

7848 POSTS

Implications of a Palestinian State for Israeli Security and Nuclear War: A Jurisprudential Assessment

Introduction Normally, students of international law approach the question of a Palestinian State from the standpoints of terrorism,' self determination and human rights. Although such an...

Dead Sea shrinking: a story told in photos

When Noam Bedein first took a boat tour in Israel, he witnessed salt caves and colorful salt structures that had been hidden under water...

Anti-Semitism i UNRWA utbildning

Den senaste veckan samlades det globala forumet mot antisemitism i Jerusalem och av någon anledning ansågs det inte lämpligt att varken undersöka eller ens...

Scope of Our Work on UNRWA REFORM-2003-2018

UNRWA Reform Initiative -Scope of our Work Click here to see full report.

The UNRWA uprising. Stage one

"​To understand what is behind the current ​marches and riots in Gaza, “for the Right of Return by force of arms,” look no further than UNRWA...

‘Are You Ready for Children Coming at You with Guns?’ Israel Braces as UN...

A big showdown is brewing on Israel's border with the Gaza Strip. Weekend riots turned deadly, and now Israel's military may enter Gaza to stop...

Weekly Commentary: Hamas Commanders Aren’t Surfing Internet In Their Underwear in the Kitchen

According to Hamas,this week 30,000 Hamas soldiers participated in “Steadfastness and Challenge”, a large-scale two-day military maneuver in the Gaza Strip. The Hamas "military wing" is most...

Is Australia funding terrorism?

In the very last issue of The Spectator Australia David Adler wrote what could well turn out to be a seminal article raising the deeply troubling...

UNRWA Reform Initiative

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